Skateboard Storage Corp joins

Posted 3/9/2024

SK8 4 Life is a 45-minute, action-packed assembly about being enthusiastic, engaged and empowered to be able to do or be whatever you want.  SK8 4 Life shows students through an interactive and exciting skateboard presentation the benefits of developing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Our professional skateboarders live by the examples they put out.  The presentation contains demonstrations (both on and off a skateboard) and examples of the following character traits:

Mind:  Positive thinking, overcoming obstacles

Body:  Nutrition, exercise, drug-free lifestyle

Spirit:  Uplifting others, building community

Your skateboarding presenter will explain that character comes from within and we inspire to bring that fire out in everyone we meet!

Grades K-8 
Cap 200+ depending on facility. 

We also offer skateboard lessons in addition to this program.