School Anti Bullying & Life Skills Shows, Assemblies & Workshops

Here is a list of School Anti Bullying & Life Skills Shows, Assemblies & Workshops. Browse our elementary, middle and high school Anti Bullying & Life Skills show providers. Inquire here about any of these providers or select one to view below.


Bullying Prevention Laser Assembly

Forty minutes long. $999 for one performance, $299 for each additional same-day performance. Take on bullying in an exciting, new way! Performed at over 1,000 elementary and middle schools over the last decade, BULLYING PREVENTION is a one-of-a-kind anti-bullying &... > View Profile

"Super Me!"

Welcome aboard The Story Ship! Be sure to check out our other shows for STEAM, science, math, ELA, and more! Take your kids up to the next level in Anti-Bullying training! “Super Me” is a fast paced theatrical adventure that combines high-energy hip-hop dance, intense... > View Profile

Superhero Bully-Free Assembly

TOP BULLY PREVENTION & PBIS SCHOOL ASSEMBLY! Here's a great opportunity to get things back to NORMAL and to enhance your school's PBIS, Character Traits & Anti-Bullying Initiative with a "LIVE" SUPERHERO ASSEMBLY! FIND OUT WHY OVER 8000 SCHOOLS HAVE SCHEDULED THE #1 PBIS,... > View Profile

Stop the Fear and Gain Confidence

Abracabully is proud to present I.C.A.R.E.(individuality, Community, Attitude, Respect and Empathy) program,  an interactive show that delivers a powerful message about bullying prevention, respect and character development through the art of magic. Children will be... > View Profile


“An Unforgettable Action Sports Assembly with Powerful Anti-Bullying & Motivational Youth Messages” * ANTI-BULLYING * MOTIVATION * CHARACTER * RESPECT NO HOLDEN BACK, LLC PRESENTS the GO BIG BMX AIR Show Don't miss this exciting BIG AIR BMX Show that is sure to both... > View Profile

Be A Super Hero: Don't Play The Bully Game

Need an engaging, encouraging and exciting school show designed to help your students prevent bullying?  Be A Super Hero - Don't Play The Bully Game Dennis Regling Wonder Shows offers a fun bully prevention program, "Don't Play The Bully Game," that has real information and... > View Profile


StudentReach exists because we believe in students. Through partnerships with teachers, staff, administration and other community leaders working with students, we believe we can help develop the potential for positive impact that students innately possess. A StudentReach 3D... > View Profile

Ugly: The Story of a Bullied Girl

Kate MacHugh is 27 years old and lives at the Jersey Shore. She is an author and professional speaker on girl bullying. Kate authored three books; Ugly: The Story of a Bullied Girl, TORMENTED  and Barefoot Johnny.  She travels all over the country to speak at schools and has... > View Profile

Let's Go Online/Your Digital Life

Josh is pleased to offer a variety of programs and workshops to fit the needs of you school, conference, or organization. Each program and workshop is fully customizable to fit your needs. Let us work with you to create a one of a kind experience for your audience! Students... > View Profile

Grant Funded "Free" School Performances - NYC Area

IlluminArt Productions' mission is to enable individuals of all ages to use the power of theater to portray and develop solutions for the comp?lex challenges they confront. Through a generous grant program, IlluminArt is currenlty offering "FREE"... > View Profile

Teaching Dogs

The Tricky Dogs Show is a circus style comedy dog act starring six Terriers, one Poodle and their pet human, Rick Martin. School shows are our specialty and we combine entertainment and education in a program worthy of school time. Every performance of our show includes... > View Profile

Devices To Dreams School Assembly Program

Charity Device is an organization committed to helping students find their purpose today. We come into your school and do a FREE assembly.  Why? Because we believe that there is something arising in this generation that requires a better version of an assembly to see... > View Profile

Champions Forever

Are you ready to be inspired by a program that your students and teachers will be talking about all year?  You have seen them on TV!  We would like to welcome a Finalist from America's Got Talent!  The Spin-tacular Basketball Show with Bruce & Diane Crevier and their family of... > View Profile