School Shows, Assemblies & Workshops in California CA

Here is a list of School Shows, Assemblies & Workshops in California CA. Inquire here about any of these shows or select one to view below.

Other Shows you may be interested in:


Circus: Circus Education

Circus Assembly Performances: Our circus assemblies feature a dynamic performing duo of circus artists in a sensational presentation of circus and variety arts. 45-55 minutes of skills, thrills and laughs, with plenty of audience interaction and participation. Introductory... > View Profile

Virtual Shows: Virtual IRISH MUSIC - "Bagpipes and More!"

Participants are treated to the thrilling sound and spectacle of the bagpipes played by a piper in full kilt!  Stories are shared about the pipes' history and mythology, and different types of traditional bagpipe music and attire are explained and demonstrated. Students... > View Profile

Entertainment: The Strongman Experience

This assembly is action packed! He performs feats of strength such as bending steel bars, rolling up frying pans like they are newspapers, twisting horseshoes into hearts and breaking steel chains. When they watch the feats, when they are in a state of awe, when... > View Profile

Space: Out of this World

Take your students on a 45 minute journey through the universe from the comfort and security of your own school. Our portable, inflatable planetarium will come right to your location and dazzle your budding astronomers as they are taken on a tour of the solar system. Students... > View Profile

Science: Wacky Science

This is an award-winning show that teaches students that science can be exciting and fun. More than just whiz, bang, poof and pop, this zany show makes science look "way cool!" With a focus on science experiments that use everyday objects, Dr. Science makes the Scientific... > View Profile

Music: Richard Stillman Music

RICHARD STILLMAN is a multitalented performer, who offers colorful, fast-paced programs featuring his unique combination of talents as a singer, dancer, storyteller and instrumentalist. All shows involve extensive audience participation and include a wide range of instruments.... > View Profile

Recommended Providers: Educational Puppets with Steve

Steve Petra trained at the National Theatre of Puppet Arts and at Jim Henson Productions in Manhattan. Since 1990 he has been a professional puppeteer performing his own scripts, songs and music. Before that time he worked as a professional musician. He now specializes in... > View Profile

Drama and Theatre: Create, Innovate and Renew

Innovo Physical Theatre seeks to be innovative with the physicality of theatre, renewing the ancient art of mime to inspire hearts today through beauty, story and truth. We seek to be creative through performance, and encourage others toward creative expression through training... > View Profile

Art & Craft: Graphic Creations

Students hone their visual communication and storytelling skills through hand-drawing their own original graphic tale with the guidance of award-win-ning artist Raul Gonzalez. An inspiring teacher, Raul has taught at both the Museum of Fine Arts and the Institute for... > View Profile

Story Telling & Author: Author Mamie Jefferson- Hill

Mamie Jefferson-Hill is a local Author in the Northeast Ohio area. She can visit your school to give an interactive presentation about the writing process. The audience gets involved in creating a story, as a group, by filling in the blanks. At the end of the presentation, she... > View Profile

Dance: Youth Hip Hop Dance Performance and Workshop

FunkRock is a youth dance/music education company that specializes in performance Hip Hop. Under the leadership of Mario Ponce we offer an exciting and uplifting experience through interactive dance performance/showings and student participation. We have performers ranging from... > View Profile

Animal: Traveling Reptile and Bug Show

Crosstown Exotics is a reptile and bug show that travels throughout Chicagoland providing hands-on educational entertainment. Our lineup of prehistoric creatures consists of a mixture of reptiles, amphibians, and bugs. From African bullfrogs and hissing cockroaches to a giant... > View Profile

Literacy: Variety Arts

Description of program: The solo show features three of Nicolo's original poems, set to juggling and audience participation rhythm and call-and-response, culminating in the students memorizing and reciting back to Nicolo the poem Look in a Book about his love of reading. The... > View Profile

Animal: All About Animals

All About Animals provides science and nature based live animal assembies for all grade levels and learning abilities. With a wide variety of animals and a fun and energetic presenter, our assemblies are the perfect way to get kids excited about science and nature! Each assembly... > View Profile