School Hispanic Heritage Month Shows, Assemblies & Workshops

Here is a list of School Hispanic Heritage Month Shows, Assemblies & Workshops. Browse our elementary, middle and high school Hispanic Heritage Month show providers. Inquire here about any of these providers or select one to view below.

Other Shows you may be interested in:


Entertainment: All about Australia video conference

G'day, why not find out about Australia from an Australian!  Using video conferencing technology we can speak live to your students from Sydney! In this curriculum-linked workshops we'll look at; - Australia's convict history through to Federation and up... > View Profile

Science: Live Education with Ed

Education Through Entertainment! For the last 33 years, Mobile Ed Productions quality school assemblies have been traveling the United States, educating and entertaining hundreds of thousands of students with live educational school assembly programs and hands-on workshops.... > View Profile

Anti Bullying & Life Skills: Devices To Dreams School Assembly Program

Charity Device is an organization committed to helping students find their purpose today. We come into your school and do a FREE assembly.  Why? Because we believe that there is something arising in this generation that requires a better version of an assembly to see... > View Profile

Dinosaur: Traveling Dinos Complete Nature Science Museum Experience

The Wonder, The Science, The Books and The Pure Magic of Dinosaurs Come Together to Create one of The Most Unique Experiences You Can Give Your Kiddos, Families and Community. Traveling Dinos is a Complete Nature Science Museum Experience in Your Building with Real Fossils,... > View Profile

Red Ribbon Week: Bullying Prevention Laser Show!

Forty minutes long. $999 for one performance, $299 for each additional same-day performance. Take on bullying in an exciting, new way! Performed at over 1,000 elementary and middle schools over the last decade, BULLYING PREVENTION is a one-of-a-kind anti-bullying &... > View Profile

Animal: Passion for Birds

A Passion for Birds uses masks to inspire an appreciation and understanding of the avian world. Captivated by Henry Lappen's beautiful masks and comic portrayal of birds, participants learn how animals adapt to their environment, and why they look and act the way they do.... > View Profile

Puppet: Comedian Ventriloquist and Comedy Magician

John Pizzi– known as the Triple Threat of a performer. -Comedian Magician -Comedian Ventriloquist -Illusionist  John, does what he loves…Making people laugh with his unique brand of interactive humor and Magic. From New York, to Los Angeles, John... > View Profile

Entertainment: Just Fun

Just For Fun & Family Night Shows: Sometimes the right message to present to students is about laughter and having fun together. We can help you schedule magicians, ventriloquists, musicians, and entertainers who are the top children's and family entertainers across... > View Profile

Animal: Small Wildcat Shows

Jungle Encounters is privately owned and operated by the Willoughby family. The day-to-day operations are run by Debi Willoughby. Debi has a lifetime of experience working with animals. She has been lecturing with and training exotics since 1996. Jungle Encounters is a USDA and... > View Profile

Anti Bullying & Life Skills: Superhero Bully-Free Assembly

TOP BULLY PREVENTION & PBIS SCHOOL ASSEMBLY! Here's a great opportunity to get things back to NORMAL and to enhance your school's PBIS, Character Traits & Anti-Bullying Initiative with a "LIVE" SUPERHERO ASSEMBLY! FIND OUT WHY OVER 8000 SCHOOLS HAVE SCHEDULED THE #1 PBIS,... > View Profile

Anti Bullying & Life Skills: Comic Ventriloquist Joe Gandelman & Friends

Ventriloquist Joe Gandelman does a show with a BIG CAST of characters, lots of interaction and lots of laughs. He does assemblies on anti-bullying, Red Ribbon Week, the Joy & Importance of Reading, Environment, pre-test tips and more. In his No Bullying assembly he mixes solid... > View Profile

Recommended Providers: Inspiring Educational Magic Shows!

Comedy Illusionist Dan Kuniak offers several different EDUCATIONAL assembly programs suitable for grades K - 8! THE ENVIRONMENTAL RECYCLING AND LITTER PREVENTION SHOWS... These performances have been used 100's of times throughout SW Pa. schools by the Pa. Resources... > View Profile

Literacy: Clothespin Puppets

Clothespin Puppets is an out of the ordinary company dedicated to providing unique theatrical events featuring puppetry and storytelling.  Our one-of-a-kind shows are custom adaptations based on popular children’s literature as well as original stories.  Our... > View Profile

Science: Magical Science

In ancient times magicians wielded tremendous power in society. Of course today we realize that the mysterious world of magic is truly the world of science. All magic is comprised of illusions and the majority of illusions are based on scientific principles. Come with us on a... > View Profile