School Music Shows, Assemblies & Workshops

Here is a list of School Music Shows, Assemblies & Workshops. Browse our elementary, middle and high school Music show providers. Inquire here about any of these providers or select one to view below.



World cultures come alive with dozens of exotic world instruments from around the globe!  Fun and interactive assemblies with giant drums, Australian Didgeridoos, Chinese gongs, South American clay flutes, Indian Snake Charmer, Middle-Eastern drums and flutes, African... > View Profile

Lasermania Show!

Forty minutes long. $999 for one performance. $299 for each additional same-day performance. When it's time to reward your students for working so hard, LASERMANIA is the ticket. An exciting reward assembly during the day or a rockin' family fun event in the... > View Profile

Sounds and sights of Japanese festivals with the Taiko drums

Taikoza introduces students to the rich festival traditions of Japan. Accompanied by thunderous taiko drums and Japanese flutes, students take a journey through different regions of Japan as they explore traditional folk song and dance. 150 lb drums and fun songs that will give... > View Profile

Highland Rythms

About The Wicked Tinkers: They play the music of the Scottish Highlands and endash; proud, stirring, passionate & endash; and spice it with the Celtic tunes of Ireland and the many countries graced by the Gaelic sound. They are Wciked Tinkers, the roving pipe-and-drum... > View Profile

David Wells Grammy Nominee

I'm endorsed by Conn/Selmer as a national performer, nominee for the 51st Grammy's, and a promoter for various festivals (Nashville, TN., Marietta, Oh., Parkersburg, WV., Bowling Green, Ky.    Topics:  1. Dare To Dream  2. Making Right... > View Profile

New Youth Culture

The IMPACT Society is a non-profit organization advocating the power of music and arts to inspire and motivate people to achieve their maximum potential in life. The IMPACT Society envisions a New Youth Culture where drugs and thugs are out, and community service, education,... > View Profile

The Gift of Music

A Fun, Inspirational and Educational Hands-On Music Experience! Give your students a gift that will last a life time, with their own Hohner Harmonica to take home. They will already know how to play it! Have your students improve self-esteem with confidence through this... > View Profile

Making Music Fun in NJ

Music Education Enterprises, L.L.C. is an organization whose purpose is to expose students to the dynamic world of jazz while educating them about the use of various forms of technology as it relates to the production of music in both live performance and contemporary music... > View Profile

Songs of the Pioneers

The Songs of the Pioneers presentation is a fun, interactive and educational way to expose children to the songs pioneers were singing as they travelled west. Les brings a car load of acoustic musical instruments to your school, introduces each instrument with some of its... > View Profile

LIVE Joe Dreamz Hip/Hop Show

An exciting and engaging Music Show with the amazing talent of Hip-Hop artist Joe Dreamz.  Joe is a college-educated music artist with a passion for changing lives, and encouring people to LIVE JOE DREAMZ (live yo dreams).  Kids of all ages instantly engage with his... > View Profile

The Do Re Mi's of Doo Wop

The Alley Cats present an interactive, fun, and informative assembly - teaching students about elements of music and performance through one of America's own musical art forms: Doo-Wop. Since the Fall of 2001, the group has performed at over 2,000 schools throughout the United... > View Profile

Good and Pah Sounds

The Creative Beginnings music residency introduces young children to the basic language of African drumming using the djembe drum. Students learn and create simple patterns based on their everyday lives, including children’s literature, emotions and favorite foods.... > View Profile

Midwest School Shows - Musical Performances

A variety of musical enrichment programs are available from the popular performing arts group, Midwest School Shows. These shows provide students with exposure to live musical performances, while also highlighting school topics such as reading, the environment, and world... > View Profile

Harp & Stories

I perform on the wire-strung Gaelic Harp accompanied by stories of the harp, the music, the players and the times in which they lived.   Incredibly beautiful music interspersed with stories that are both educational and entertaining.  > View Profile