School Entertainment Shows, Assemblies & Workshops

Here is a list of School Entertainment Shows, Assemblies & Workshops. Browse our elementary, middle and high school Entertainment show providers. Inquire here about any of these providers or select one to view below.


The Weird & Wacky Science Show

The Weird And Wacky Science Show:  Science Fun, Feats and Facts    The Weird Science Show is an interactive program keeps the students engaged and laughing while introducing and building upon scientific concepts that compliment and reinforce their classroom studies. Students... > View Profile

Maximum Entertainment BIG AIR BMX Show

UNFORGETTABLE MAX ENTERTAINMENT SCHOOL ASSEMBLY! Don't miss this exciting school assembly featuring some of the World's Top BMX Athletes.  Your students, and staff will thoroughly enjoy this BIG AIR Thrill Show, and the positive energy and vibes will last long beyond the... > View Profile


America's Most Epic Superhero-Themed School Assembly Here's a great opportunity to get things back to NORMAL and to enhance your school's PBIS, Character Traits & Anti-Bullying Initiative with... > View Profile

Pirates Story Time!

A completely customizable adventure! Have our face characters Captain Benjamin Blue, Princess Anita, and/or our Mermaids come out to read stories to your children, show real pirate artifacts and explain history, or watch entertaining staged combat shows! All packages fully... > View Profile

Fuego!: Dances From Latin America

Reaction Dance Company brings different Latin styles of dance, and music, to the audience so they can have a better understanding of the history, heritage, and culture of countries like Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Cuba, and Panama. This interactive bilingual assembly... > View Profile

Operation Coordinator

My name is Joe “the trick-star” Odhiambo, and I am looking to join a motivation speaking team like your if you have an opening. I know it is late right now; however, I would love to talk to you and see if I can feel some of your engagements around the country. I use... > View Profile

Just Fun

Just For Fun & Family Night Shows: Sometimes the right message to present to students is about laughter and having fun together. We can help you schedule magicians, ventriloquists, musicians, and entertainers who are the top children's and family entertainers across... > View Profile

Bounce Piano

Dan Menendez combines comedy, juggling and music for his performance as 'The Piano Juggler'. Dan plays popular and classical music on the world's only Bounce Piano and Bounce Cello. Dan Menendez is the originator of one of the most unique variety acts of all time. He... > View Profile

Improv 4 Kids

IMPROV 4 KIDS is a professional theatre program dedicated to educating and entertaining young audiences through creative comedy arts.  This talented troupe has presented over 3000 workshops and shows throughout New York City and now nationwide.   > View Profile

Bee True To You

Created by Award Winning International Singer TOBI, here at Bee True To You we are on a mission to bring awareness to this on-going epidemic and “Take The Sting out of Bullying” once and for all by creating positive change, empowering and inspiring children through... > View Profile

Extreme Action

Best In Action Sports Entertainment! Solution Action Sports produces EXTREME – high flying entertainment that leaves thousands of spectators nationwide in awe every year. Our jaw dropping entertainment is enjoyable for all ages. Being able to put something unique, (i.e.... > View Profile

Amelia Earhart Pioneer in Aviation

Amelia Earhart's fearless, adventuresome spirit leads to hair-raising rides down her homemade roller coaster, and she is enthralled with the wonders of the new "flying machines" during a family vacation to the Iowa State Fair.  As she matures, she is... > View Profile

Songs in the Key of Art: LIVE!

Songs in the Key of Art: LIVE! features fun educational music about artists and art for kids. The music is the brianchild of award winning art educator/musician Greg Percy.  The show features tons of audience interaction and participation.  Visuals run during the... > View Profile

CSz Houston - ComedySportz

Our professional improvisers provide squeaky-clean comedy in any way you choose to meet your student body's needs. Some of our most popular offerings: ComedySportz Matches:  Two teams of actletes compete for laughs making up scenes and songs on the spot based on audience... > View Profile