School Shows, Assemblies & Workshops in California CA

Here is a list of School Shows, Assemblies & Workshops in California CA. Inquire here about any of these shows or select one to view below.

Other Shows you may be interested in:


History: Mary Lincoln presented by Valerie Gugala

A Visit with Mrs. Lincoln (grade 5 and up) Mary Lincoln comes to life as presented by Valerie Gugala.  She sets the historical record straight as she takes listeners through her life as a young woman born into a wealthy Lexington, KY family, and the transformation she... > View Profile

History: History through Song

Connecticut History through Song:  Bill and friends present songs from his Profiles of Connecticut CD, specifically designed to complement the 4th through 6th grade history curricula. Vignettes of people and events in Connecticut history are brought to life by an Official... > View Profile

Drama and Theatre: Eleanor Roosevelt

Eleanor Roosevelt – The First Lady of The World – After suffering through an unhappy childhood, [eleanor] and losing her parents and one of her brothers. She figured out where she fit in and could make a difference. She grew up and became an American politician.... > View Profile

Literacy: Variety Arts

Description of program: The solo show features three of Nicolo's original poems, set to juggling and audience participation rhythm and call-and-response, culminating in the students memorizing and reciting back to Nicolo the poem Look in a Book about his love of reading. The... > View Profile

Anti Bullying & Life Skills: We Are Champions

The Spin-tacular Basketball Program incorporates basketballs, unicycles, music, and fun in a program that bridges the gap between your church or organization into the hearts of the listeners. It has been an effective tool to reach the hearts of youth and adults with the message... > View Profile

Recommended Providers: TOP Superhero Theme Assembly!

Our message is delivered through a superhero theme.   BE A H.E.R.O. - Helping Everyone Respect Others. FIND OUT WHY OVER 7000 SCHOOLS HAVE SCHEDULED THE #1 PBIS, CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT & BULLY... > View Profile

Recommended Providers: The Magic of Nutrition

My name is Todd Kupper, a.k.a. Taddo. I am a Registered Dietitian and a Licensed Nutritionist in the state of Pennsylvania. I am also an award-winning professional magician who has developed a unique program called 'The Magic of Nutrition'.  This is designed to... > View Profile

Literacy: Literacy for Schools in MA & RI

Mark Binder’s writing workshops are amazing. In the space of a single class, he teaches a simple theory of story structure, an easy method of improvisational creativity, and gets students writing. > View Profile

Dance: Indian Dance Assemblies, Residencies and Workshops

Ajna Dance Company Ajna is passionate about bringing South Asian culture and fitness to students of all ages and backgrounds through dance and movement. We proudly support the arts in education and use our programs to take students out of their comfort zones into appreciating... > View Profile

Career: Career Day

Career Day Presentations: What does it take to have a rewarding career in music or science? This presentation is designed to be part of a school career day for students, or Bill can be a keynote speaker combining music and interactive discussion. Bill discusses the skills and... > View Profile

Literacy: Reading Is Magic: ATTACK OF THE BOOKWORMS

Reading Is Magic: ATTACK OF THE BOOKWORMS  What happens when bookworms go bad? It's up to your students to save the day.  They will need the help of Mr. Dennis and a little magic, silly storytelling, puppets, wacky bookworms, funny surprises, a little music, a... > View Profile

Anti Bullying & Life Skills: Superhero Bully-Free Assembly

TOP BULLY PREVENTION & PBIS SCHOOL ASSEMBLY! Here's a great opportunity to get things back to NORMAL and to enhance your school's PBIS, Character Traits & Anti-Bullying Initiative with a "LIVE" SUPERHERO ASSEMBLY! FIND OUT WHY OVER 8000 SCHOOLS HAVE SCHEDULED THE #1 PBIS,... > View Profile

Recommended Providers: Strongman Assembly

Are you looking for a youth motivational speaker in New Jersey to provide a unique message? This presenter's school assemblies are action packed! He performs feats of strength such as bending steel bars, rolling up frying pans like they are newspapers, twisting horseshoes... > View Profile

Red Ribbon Week: Through Anothers Eyes--Anti-Bullying By Using Live Animals as Behavior Surrogates

Snakes-N-Scales’ Anti-Bullying School Assembly looks at the subject from an entirely different direction than any other Anti-Bullying program, using animals that are often misunderstood and feared, like snakes, spiders and alligators. We try to see through their eyes at... > View Profile