School Shows, Assemblies & Workshops in New Jersey NJ

Here is a list of School Shows, Assemblies & Workshops in New Jersey NJ. Inquire here about any of these providers or select one to view below. You may also search for a specific show type or age group.


Entertainment: The Weird & Wacky Science Show

The Weird And Wacky Science Show:  Science Fun, Feats and Facts    The Weird Science Show is an interactive program keeps the students engaged and laughing while introducing and building upon scientific concepts that compliment and reinforce their classroom studies. Students... > View Profile

Science: "Aliens Alive!" Space Show

Welcome aboard The Story Ship! Be sure to check out our other shows for anti-bullying, STEAM, science, math, ELA, and more! "Alien's Alive" is an immersive, fast paced, theatrical adventure combining: Comedy Theater Awesome Magic Fantastic Large... > View Profile

Red Ribbon Week: BIG AIR Red Ribbon Week BMX Show

UNFORGETTABLE RED RIBBON WEEK SCHOOL ASSEMBLY! Don't miss this exciting Red Ribbon Week School Assembly featuring some of the World's Top BMX Athletes.  Your students, and staff will thoroughly enjoy this BIG AIR Thrill Show, and the positive energy and vibes... > View Profile

Health & Fitness: Spring Jam Assembly

Forty minutes long. $999 for one performance. $299 for each additional same-day performance. SPRING JAM is an energetic spring laser concert that features music associated with fun activities of spring and summer. Lasers, music, along with a dance contest promote physical... > View Profile

Science: VR Workshops

New to US schools - fully interactive Virtual Reality experiences. Number One workshop in Europe and Australia! We cover EVERY school location across all 50 states. Choose your assembly type: Presenter led session  We send the kit to you! 35 VR headsets and... > View Profile

Recommended Providers: The Story Ship

The Story Ship shows combine awesome animation, puppetry, comedy-theater, magic and music into incredibly innovative children's shows. The sets include a large video projection system that brings the animation alive. A live actor and the audience interact with the... > View Profile

Anti Bullying & Life Skills: "Super Me!"

Welcome aboard The Story Ship! Be sure to check out our other shows for STEAM, science, math, ELA, and more! Take your kids up to the next level in Anti-Bullying training! “Super Me” is a fast paced theatrical adventure that combines high-energy hip-hop dance, intense... > View Profile

Anti Bullying & Life Skills: Superhero Bully-Free Assembly

TOP BULLY PREVENTION & PBIS SCHOOL ASSEMBLY! Here's a great opportunity to get things back to NORMAL and to enhance your school's PBIS, Character Traits & Anti-Bullying Initiative with a "LIVE" SUPERHERO ASSEMBLY! FIND OUT WHY OVER 8000 SCHOOLS HAVE SCHEDULED THE #1 PBIS,... > View Profile

Virtual Shows: Virtual Black History Laser Tribute

Celebrate the profound contributions of African-Americans in an exciting new way. The BLACK HISTORY LASER TRIBUTE is a captivating retrospective that features fun, sing along music as well as key historical figures: Artists Featured: Cab Calloway Chuck Berry Ray... > View Profile

Virtual Shows: Virtual Laser Safari

Take your students on an amazing adventure exploring two intriguing ecosystems, the African Serengeti and Amazon Rainforest. Our expert tour guide uses laser animations to take your students on an incredible safari to learn about unusual inhabitants that have adapted to thrive... > View Profile

Recommended Providers: PRO BMX Show for your Reward Assembly

UNFORGETTABLE REWARD SCHOOL ASSEMBLY! Don't miss this exciting Reward School Assembly featuring some of the World's Top BMX Athletes.  Your students, and staff will thoroughly enjoy this BIG AIR Thrill Show, and the positive energy and vibes will last long beyond the... > View Profile

Earth Day, Eco & Environment: The Quest For Less: Environmental Science: Real Science: STEM

The Quest For Less: Environmental Science :  Real Science: STEM The Quest For Less: Environmental Science Show is an interactive show that teaches students about their choices in litter prevention, recycling and waste management.  This lively program keeps the students... > View Profile

Recommended Providers: Prof Denno's Comedy Science Show

Prof. Denno, (Dennis Regling), will have your students and teachers laughing and learning about science and the world around us. “You’ll feel great knowing you have a top-notch science assembly program that motivates kids to explore science on their... > View Profile

Physics: Fun-Tastic Physics: Energy Magnets & Motion

Our third great program in the Magic of Science series. Science is a process or method of investigation. Your students will learn the scientific method. Improve your students’ problem-solving skills. Using fun experiments in physics, Mr. Dennis will have your students... > View Profile
