School Shows, Assemblies & Workshops in Connecticut CT

Here is a list of School Shows, Assemblies & Workshops in Connecticut CT. Inquire here about any of these providers or select one to view below. You may also search for a specific show type or age group.


Earth Day, Eco & Environment: The Quest For Less: Environmental Science: Real Science: STEM

The Quest For Less: Environmental Science :  Real Science: STEM The Quest For Less: Environmental Science Show is an interactive show that teaches students about their choices in litter prevention, recycling and waste management.  This lively program keeps the students... > View Profile

Entertainment: Maximum Entertainment BIG AIR BMX Show

UNFORGETTABLE MAX ENTERTAINMENT SCHOOL ASSEMBLY! Don't miss this exciting school assembly featuring some of the World's Top BMX Athletes.  Your students, and staff will thoroughly enjoy this BIG AIR Thrill Show, and the positive energy and vibes will last long beyond the... > View Profile

Patriotic: Star-Spangled Spectacular

Program runs 40 minutes. $999 for one program; $299 more per additional same-day program. Celebrate the American spirit of innovation, discovery, and exploration with the STAR-SPANGLED LASER SPECTACULAR, a dazzling musical and laser extravaganza that highlights some... > View Profile

History: Amazing Inventions And Their Inventors. History Meets Science

Inventions have shaped our world, and we benefit from them daily. Where did they come from? Who invented them? What's next? In this fun, funny and thought-provoking program, Mr. Dennis looks at steam engines, silly putty, light bulbs, peanut butter, and other major inventions... > View Profile

Recommended Providers: Prof Denno's Comedy Science Show

Prof. Denno, (Dennis Regling), will have your students and teachers laughing and learning about science and the world around us. “You’ll feel great knowing you have a top-notch science assembly program that motivates kids to explore science on their... > View Profile

Dinosaur: Diggery Digger's Dinosaur Adventure

Welcome aboard The Story Ship! Be sure to check out our other shows for anti-bullying, STEAM, science, math, ELA, and more! Immersive Adventure While Paleontologist Diggery Diggers is showing his fossils to a live audience, he discovers a “top secret” box the museum... > View Profile

Virtual Shows: Virtual Lasermania Laser Show

When it's time to reward your students for working so hard, LASERMANIA is the ticket. An exciting reward assembly during the day or a rockin' family fun event in the evening, LASERMANIA is a laser concert that is guaranteed to bring the house down.... > View Profile

Black History Month: Black History Laser Tribute

Blast into the past with a dazzling musical celebration of African Americans’ contributions to our nation’s history. Transport students through time as a brilliant laser light show entertains and educates them with vivid laser animations set to a rocking... > View Profile

Physics: NEW! PRO BMX Show teaches Physics...

UNFORGETTABLE BMX SHOW PHYSICS SCHOOL ASSEMBLY! Don't miss this exciting School Assembly featuring some of the World's Top BMX Athletes.  Your students, and staff will thoroughly enjoy this BIG AIR Thrill Show, and the positive energy and vibes... > View Profile

Science: STEM Expansion Laser Show

60 minutes, $1249. Additional performances $299. Laser Show STEM Expansion will capture your student's imaginations with a professionally animated laser show while explaining its workings in the process. The music, lasers, and lights will present an interactive show... > View Profile

Virtual Shows: Virtual Laser Science

An exciting crash course in light, lasers, and color. Chock full of one-of-a-kind laser demonstrations, students and adults alike will be captivated as they learn about: Light and Energy Reflection, Refraction, and Absorption Persistence of Vision Primary... > View Profile

Earth Day, Eco & Environment: EARTH DAY / EARTH WEEK - "Sounds of the Earth"

Together we learn how music of traditional world cultures relates to the Earth, Nature and the Environment.  Exotic instruments from around the world create the sounds of wind, rain, thunder, whale songs, bird calls and more.  Authentic instruments from traditional... > View Profile

Science: Laser STEM Expansion Show

60-minutes long. $1249 for one performance. $299 for each additional same-day performance. The first 20 minutes is a live, crash course in light, lasers, and color. Chock full of one-of-a-kind laser demonstrations, students and adults alike will be captivated as they learn... > View Profile

Virtual Shows: Virtual IRISH MUSIC - "Bagpipes and More!"

Participants are treated to the thrilling sound and spectacle of the bagpipes played by a piper in full kilt!  Stories are shared about the pipes' history and mythology, and different types of traditional bagpipe music and attire are explained and demonstrated. Students... > View Profile
