School Film Shows, Assemblies & Workshops

Here is a list of School Film Shows, Assemblies & Workshops. Browse our elementary, middle and high school Film show providers. Inquire here about any of these providers or select one to view below.


Lights, Camera, Action

Lights, Camera, Action! - a portable television studio - is one of Mobile Ed's most exciting, hands-on, and downright fun programs. In it, your students and staff get the opportunity to see "behind the scenes" of how movies and TV shows are made! Then, get in front... > View Profile

Digital Age

This workshop in digital art-making for teens focuses on experimental video techniques. Students view and analyze experimental films and then create stylistic videos of their own based on a common theme. Students are introduced to video technology, learn basic filmmaking... > View Profile

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Recommended Providers: PRO BMX Show for your Reward Assembly

UNFORGETTABLE REWARD SCHOOL ASSEMBLY! Don't miss this exciting Reward School Assembly featuring some of the World's Top BMX Athletes.  Your students, and staff will thoroughly enjoy this BIG AIR Thrill Show, and the positive energy and vibes will last long beyond the... > View Profile

History: Adventurous Pioneer

Amelia Earhart, Pioneer in Aviation: Take your students on a thrilling, fast-paced journey through the life of the adventurous pioneer (and one-time Massachussettsian) who in 1932 became the first woman, and only the second aviator, to pilot a plane across the Atlantic Ocean.... > View Profile

African: BMX Impact Motivational School Assembly

The BMX Impact Motivational Assembly is an action packed 45 minute show with a message. Professional bicycle freestyle riders entertain students with high flying stunts in the air and intense moves on the ground. These athletes are role models with an... > View Profile

Literacy: Variety Arts

Description of program: The solo show features three of Nicolo's original poems, set to juggling and audience participation rhythm and call-and-response, culminating in the students memorizing and reciting back to Nicolo the poem Look in a Book about his love of reading. The... > View Profile

Anti Bullying & Life Skills: The No Bully Magic Show

Students experience entertaining lessons about the need for being friends, not bullies. Lessons include: The different types of bullying, the differences between bullies, victims and witnesses, six strategies for the victim to respond to the bullies, three ways witnesses can... > View Profile

Recommended Providers: Stars Science Theatre

Mike Francis brings astronomy to life with his Stars Science Theater programs. A Physical Science and Physics teacher and formerly a lecturer for ten years at the Charles Hayden Planetarium at Boston’s Museum of Science, Mike combines the science of Astronomy with the... > View Profile

History: Miss Ellie and History

Speaking of Ladies - 19th Century Women of America Historical presentations by Miss Ellie, programs are customized to age & size of group and are aroubd 45-60 minutes in length. For Weal or Woe: Women's Influences on the War Between the States. This... > View Profile

Earth Day, Eco & Environment: Animals & Environment

Animals and the Environment Face-to-face with some furry friends. Here at Mobile Ed Productions, we have a commitment to presenting our content in ways that students will never forget. In Animals and the Environment, students will learn about the impact that humans have on... > View Profile

History: Bringing History to Life

HISTORY'S ALIVE! is a series of forty-five minute assembly programs that mix history and humor, science and motivation. They are designed to INSTRUCT your students in the value of history, INSPIRE them to study history and ENTERTAIN them as they learn from history. > View Profile

Drama and Theatre: Living History Shows

Award-Winning Living History shows for school assemblies. Scripted Shows: A Christmas Carol: Dickens' haunting holiday classic, complete with sing-along carols, student and staff actors, ghosts, and Tiny Tim. Ancient Greece and Rome: An interactive show with... > View Profile

Circus: Sky Aerial Works Circus Entertainment

Sky Aerial Works provides high-flying entertainment with aerial dancing and acrobats! We provide all of our own equipment.  We can tailor our act to your theme! Let us bring that 'wow' factor to your school!  > View Profile

Animal: Traveling Reptile and Bug Show

Crosstown Exotics is a reptile and bug show that travels throughout Chicagoland providing hands-on educational entertainment. Our lineup of prehistoric creatures consists of a mixture of reptiles, amphibians, and bugs. From African bullfrogs and hissing cockroaches to a giant... > View Profile