School Cookery Shows, Assemblies & Workshops

Here is a list of School Cookery Shows, Assemblies & Workshops. Browse our elementary, middle and high school Cookery show providers. Inquire here about any of these providers or select one to view below.

Other Shows you may be interested in:


Literacy: Reading is Bubblicious

Mega Bubble Man loves to read and so he created a motivational program for kids to improve their reading skills! "Reading is Bubblicious!" is excellent for Libraries and Schools looking to kick off their reading program. Mega Bubble Man encourages children as they... > View Profile

Anti Bullying & Life Skills: BMXTrickstars traveling BMX stunt show.

BMXTrixkstars is Florida's first traveling BMX stunt show. We specialize in school assembely programs. Our program offers positive messages from professional BMX riders. Some of our messages include Anti-Bullying, Healthy and active lifestlye choices, Bicycle... > View Profile

Science: How our Organs Work

Petra Puppets specialize in curriculum-based assembly programs. Topics Include: Who's in Charge - The brain and nervous system. Give Me Some Air: The lungs, breathing, nose, wind pipe. Pump It Up: The heart and blood vessels. Guts At Work: The digestive... > View Profile

Entertainment: Just Do it! Fitness and Dance Assemblies for all ages

The Joy House Dance Party and or School Assembly designed for children of all ages. All assemblies and classes are performed and taught by Miss Joy (Angelina Joy Emanuele), who has been working as a professional dancer, choreographer, singer, songwriter and producer since... > View Profile

Spring: Laser Spring Jam

Forty minutes long. $999 for one performance. $299 for each additional same-day performance. SPRING JAM is an energetic spring laser concert that features music associated with fun activities of spring and summer. Lasers, music, along with a dance contest promote physical... > View Profile

Dance: Something Else!!! A Tap Dance Performance

Something Else!!! is an exciting exploration and explanation of tap dance and Jazz. The work is a collaboration with the Boston-based jazz band Factory Quartet and features music by greats Ornette Coleman and Thelonious Monk as well as original compositions by the dancers and... > View Profile

Recommended Providers: Bully Proof

Bullying Prevention Now (Elementary): How to Prevent Bullying in a Peaceful yet powerful way. The Bully Proof Kid is a Bullying Prevention Program that does more than just preach at kids to be nice and respectful to one another. It teaches kid what to do in order to stop... > View Profile

Art & Craft: Anime with Janice

Anime is the coolest cartooning technique from Japan! This workshop teaches students core anime techniques that they practice by working at their own level and speed. Set up as a grid game, students learn to draw their own original characters with distinctive Anime features and... > View Profile

Math: Hands on Maths

Introduce students to creative, hands-on projects translating abstract mathematical concepts into beautiful works of art. Explore space by building polyhedra out of everyday materials, and learn about fractals; the complex designs that are generated from mathematical formulae.... > View Profile

Math: Imathimation

Welcome to Imathimation, the newest program from Mobile Ed and the one you have been waiting for! Imathimation encourages kids to think outside the box and to use their “imathimation” to envision all the ways in which math affects their lives every day. Playing on... > View Profile

Story Telling & Author: Laser Reader

Forty minutes long. $999 for one performance. $299 for each additional same-day performance. Are you ready for the most amazing reading assembly ever? LASER READER combines a terrific presenter with giant laser illustrations that is guaranteed to have your students on the... > View Profile

Story Telling & Author: Sharing a Good Story

Mark McKillip is a dynamic, energetic storyteller, presenting programs for over 15 years in the Midwest and on the East coast for children, families, and adults. Kindertales is designed for pre-school and early elementary school children as an interactive program integrating... > View Profile

Anti Bullying & Life Skills: The No Bully Magic Show

Students experience entertaining lessons about the need for being friends, not bullies. Lessons include: The different types of bullying, the differences between bullies, victims and witnesses, six strategies for the victim to respond to the bullies, three ways witnesses can... > View Profile

Anti Bullying & Life Skills: Make a Splash

High Energy, Fast Paced, Fun and Entertaining Bully Prevention Assembly Program that will leave your students with an easy to remember solution to help prevent bullying. Make a Splash dives into a very hot topic in schools right now. While waiting for Sammy the Seal to perform... > View Profile