School Indigenous Shows, Assemblies & Workshops

Here is a list of School Indigenous Shows, Assemblies & Workshops. Browse our elementary, middle and high school Indigenous show providers. Inquire here about any of these providers or select one to view below.


Music of the Earth - "A Celebration of World Cultures & the Earth!"

Mysterious, exciting, fun and educational, with dozens of instruments from 5 continents!  Unique, interactive Multi-Cultural world music assemblies with giant drums, Indian snake-charmer, crystal singing bowls, Australian didgeridoos, Chinese gongs, Native American... > View Profile

Mexican Folklore and Native American Storyteller and musician

The legend of Kokopelli, an incredible Native American tale, was passed down to Rich by his elders during his youth. Now, Rich shares this enchanting legend with children across the United States, Europe, and parts of Asia. The Navajo legend illustrates why people worldwide... > View Profile

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Science: Does Spaghetti Bounce? Science Show For K-8

Does Spaghetti Bounce?  Liquids, Solids, Gasses “You’ll feel great knowing you have a top-notch science assembly program that motivates kids to explore science on their own.” Students learn about the states of matter through amazing... > View Profile

Animal: Around the World Adventure

Whispering Pines provides an amazing animal adventure! We bring the animals to you with our class act educational programs. We bring about 10 animals from around the world including a monkey, kinkajou, porcupine, hedgehog, fennec fox, and rare reptiles. Each program lasts... > View Profile

Science: Mad Science Special Event Assemblies, Science Days and Booths

Mad Science Special Events are high-energy, entertaining, and exciting shows that capture the attention of children.  We introduce a series of captivating demonstrations that are educational and fun.  Exciting experiments may include anything from a bungee jumping Erlenmeyer... > View Profile

History: Creatures in Mythology

Creatures in Mythology, Culture and History concentrates on the reptiles in our collective consciences. The program, of course, is presented at the level of understanding of the children we are seeing. Some concepts maybe changed or omitted depending on the sophistication of out... > View Profile

Literacy: Reading is Bubblicious

Mega Bubble Man loves to read and so he created a motivational program for kids to improve their reading skills! "Reading is Bubblicious!" is excellent for Libraries and Schools looking to kick off their reading program. Mega Bubble Man encourages children as they... > View Profile

Story Telling & Author: Stories with Greg

School Assemblies are the perfect way to captivate, engage and enrich your students. Greg Zelnik uses storytelling, music, puppetry and magic that are guaranteed to amaze! He is one the funniest children’s educational presenters and entertainers in the NC, SC and VA areas.... > View Profile

Career: Career Presentations

Ted delivers unforgettable and entertaining Keynote presentations, Corporate Coaching and Leadership Development Programs. From the shop floor to the boardroom Ted brings to life the struggles of becoming a leader and leaves the group with real action steps. More than... > View Profile

Animal: Traveling Exotic Critters & Reptile Presentations

Furry Scaly Friends educates and entertains. We come to your home, party space or facility. We can accommodate any group size and serve all of Connecticut! Let us share our animal love! Our hands-on approach is loved by children and adults. We are family run and all our furry... > View Profile

Story Telling & Author: Author Mamie Jefferson- Hill

Mamie Jefferson-Hill is a local Author in the Northeast Ohio area. She can visit your school to give an interactive presentation about the writing process. The audience gets involved in creating a story, as a group, by filling in the blanks. At the end of the presentation, she... > View Profile

Anti Bullying & Life Skills: Grant Funded "Free" School Performances - NYC Area

IlluminArt Productions' mission is to enable individuals of all ages to use the power of theater to portray and develop solutions for the comp?lex challenges they confront. Through a generous grant program, IlluminArt is currenlty offering "FREE"... > View Profile

Anti Bullying & Life Skills: The Specialists

The Specialists teach kids to understand that everyone is different and special and deserving of acceptance.   With cool hip music, DJ, Breakdancers and Straight Up Abilities Dance crew they help to spread a non bullying, positive message that kids can understand.  "It's Nice To... > View Profile

Science: Wacky Science

This is an award-winning show that teaches students that science can be exciting and fun. More than just whiz, bang, poof and pop, this zany show makes science look "way cool!" With a focus on science experiments that use everyday objects, Dr. Science makes the Scientific... > View Profile