School Indigenous Shows, Assemblies & Workshops

Here is a list of School Indigenous Shows, Assemblies & Workshops. Browse our elementary, middle and high school Indigenous show providers. Inquire here about any of these providers or select one to view below.


Music of the Earth - "A Celebration of World Cultures & the Earth!"

Mysterious, exciting, fun and educational, with dozens of instruments from 5 continents!  Unique, interactive Multi-Cultural world music assemblies with giant drums, Indian snake-charmer, crystal singing bowls, Australian didgeridoos, Chinese gongs, Native American... > View Profile

Mexican Folklore and Native American Storyteller and musician

The legend of Kokopelli, an incredible Native American tale, was passed down to Rich by his elders during his youth. Now, Rich shares this enchanting legend with children across the United States, Europe, and parts of Asia. The Navajo legend illustrates why people worldwide... > View Profile

Other Shows you may be interested in:


Entertainment: Just Fun

Just For Fun & Family Night Shows: Sometimes the right message to present to students is about laughter and having fun together. We can help you schedule magicians, ventriloquists, musicians, and entertainers who are the top children's and family entertainers across... > View Profile

Anti Bullying & Life Skills: the Power Workshop

Inspiration, Motivation, Attitude, Values, Respect, Anti-Bully, Physical Fitness NOT just for sports, 8 Pillars of Character We are the authors of the BESTSELLING ‘Top Secrets of Success…4 Kids’--- The book comes Alive with our in-person Presentations in Schools that... > View Profile

Drama and Theatre: Youth Theatre Across the US

ACT for Youth tours Year-Round bringing high quality theatre performances to children across the U.S. Each production is performed by highly skilled Professional Actors who have a dedication to Arts Education. Shows are designed for touring and can be performed in theatres,... > View Profile

Dinosaur: Traveling Dinos Complete Nature Science Museum Experience

The Wonder, The Science, The Books and The Pure Magic of Dinosaurs Come Together to Create one of The Most Unique Experiences You Can Give Your Kiddos, Families and Community. Traveling Dinos is a Complete Nature Science Museum Experience in Your Building with Real Fossils,... > View Profile

Drama and Theatre: Create, Innovate and Renew

Innovo Physical Theatre seeks to be innovative with the physicality of theatre, renewing the ancient art of mime to inspire hearts today through beauty, story and truth. We seek to be creative through performance, and encourage others toward creative expression through training... > View Profile

Animal: Traveling Exotic Critters & Reptile Presentations

Furry Scaly Friends educates and entertains. We come to your home, party space or facility. We can accommodate any group size and serve all of Connecticut! Let us share our animal love! Our hands-on approach is loved by children and adults. We are family run and all our furry... > View Profile

Science: Discovery Domes USA

Discovery Domes is a brand-new portable planetarium in association with DoDad's Lab. Don't let new fool you. The team at DoDad's Lab has over 30 years of experience educating and entertaining all ages. Using the science standards and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and... > View Profile

Recommended Providers: Anti-Bullying School Assembly Programs with X Games Champ, Kevin Robinson

EXTREMELY FUN & EXTREMELY EDUCATIONAL Guinness World Record holder and 10 time X Games Medalist, Kevin Robinson (K-Rob) has an extraordinary gift of inspiring and empowering people to change the course of their lives in a positive way! Audiences young and old are riveted to... > View Profile

African: BMX Impact Motivational School Assembly

The BMX Impact Motivational Assembly is an action packed 45 minute show with a message. Professional bicycle freestyle riders entertain students with high flying stunts in the air and intense moves on the ground. These athletes are role models with an... > View Profile

Magic: Reading is Magic

NYC School Assembly - Reading is Magic: My school assembly magic show 'Reading is Magic' is specifically designed to engage, entertain and educate  students.  So while your students are having fun during the magic show, they'll also be learning the... > View Profile

Literacy: Starry Road to Freedom

Starry Road to Freedom is an original one-man show in which award-winning actor, Darius Wallace, brings the great abolitionist Frederick Douglass to life. This theatrical journey uses the power of story, poetry, and song to show how Douglass rose from slavery to superstar,... > View Profile

Earth Day, Eco & Environment: Saving Endangered Species

A S.T.E.M. aligned wildlife assembly presentation with an emphasis on two components: Endangered Species, and "Conservation Tech" provided in a fun, interactive show for all ages.  Entertaining live parrots are featured as part of the discussion of wildlife conservation and... > View Profile