School Literacy Shows, Assemblies & Workshops

Here is a list of School Literacy Shows, Assemblies & Workshops. Browse our elementary, middle and high school Literacy show providers. Inquire here about any of these providers or select one to view below.


"The Circus King" Reading Show

Welcome aboard The Story Ship! Be sure to check out our other shows for anti-bullying, STEAM, science, math, ELA, and more! (Reading & Language Arts): A young boy is lost at sea and found by a baboon on a far away island. He is raised by a circus of misfits. The audience and... > View Profile


Reading Is Magic: ATTACK OF THE BOOKWORMS  What happens when bookworms go bad? It's up to your students to save the day.  They will need the help of Mr. Dennis and a little magic, silly storytelling, puppets, wacky bookworms, funny surprises, a little music, a... > View Profile

Fun Poetry

Assemblies and Workshops: Learning Language Arts through HUMOR. A humorous ride through poetry and language arts concepts, including a new twist to the comprehension of literary tools such as similes, metaphors, poetic license, meter, and more. Poetry and Language Arts 3 with... > View Profile

Reading Rocks Magic Show

Joe Holiday's Reading Rocks Magic Show is the perfect literacy assembly program with a unique blend of stage magic, comedy, hit music and audience participation. The show is kid tested, teacher approved, filled with state of the art magic effects and scripted material. A... > View Profile

Read, Rhyme, and Respect with Rosie

Rosie utilizes popular children's books to promote the love of reading. Her program is entertaining and educational and includes magic, balloons, storytelling, and audience participation.  Her program focuses on treating others with respect, being responsible, and trust. She... > View Profile

Literacy for Schools in MA & RI

Mark Binder’s writing workshops are amazing. In the space of a single class, he teaches a simple theory of story structure, an easy method of improvisational creativity, and gets students writing. > View Profile

Starry Road to Freedom

Starry Road to Freedom is an original one-man show in which award-winning actor, Darius Wallace, brings the great abolitionist Frederick Douglass to life. This theatrical journey uses the power of story, poetry, and song to show how Douglass rose from slavery to superstar,... > View Profile

Books Alive!

Jennifer is both a musician and a storyteller and interweaves songs, tunes and tales into all of her programs. Books Alive: Favorite books dance off the shelf with music and song. This program celebrates picture books, reading and storytelling. I tell the stories of... > View Profile

Books! The Magic is Real!

The #1 reading assembly on the East Coast and now available in Washington State! No individual performer is seen by more students in a school year. Joe Romano brings popular children’s book to life through the art of magic & illusion. Romano motivates your... > View Profile

Reading is Bubblicious

Mega Bubble Man loves to read and so he created a motivational program for kids to improve their reading skills! "Reading is Bubblicious!" is excellent for Libraries and Schools looking to kick off their reading program. Mega Bubble Man encourages children as they... > View Profile

Lon Cerel's Magic of Reading

A Brand New Curriculum-based Program, utilizing popular children's books! Lon Cerel's Magic of Reading The goal of THE MAGIC OF READING is to aid in your efforts to motivate your children by promoting the FUN of recreational reading, and the use of the... > View Profile

Clothespin Puppets

Clothespin Puppets is an out of the ordinary company dedicated to providing unique theatrical events featuring puppetry and storytelling.  Our one-of-a-kind shows are custom adaptations based on popular children’s literature as well as original stories.  Our... > View Profile

Meet the Author School Workshop

Barry is available to spend a day--or a week--at your school. He can meet with your students in assembly programs in the media center, gym or cafeteria -- or meet with small groups and present a poetry writing workshop where elementary and middle school-aged children can write... > View Profile


Literacy Programs and Magic Shows that Promote Reading! Attack of the Bookworms: A fun program anytime and for any age. The Bookworms are attacking, and the only way to stop them is to read. The Magic Secret Garden: Have you heard the buzz about what is growing in your... > View Profile