Welcome aboard The Story Ship! Be sure to check out our other shows for anti-bullying, STEAM, science, math, ELA, and more!
(Reading & Language Arts): A young boy is lost at sea and found by a baboon on a far away island. He is raised by a circus of misfits. The audience and... > View Profile
What happens when bookworms go bad? It's up to your students to save the day.
They will need the help of Mr. Dennis and a little magic, silly storytelling, puppets, wacky bookworms, funny surprises, a little music, a... > View Profile
Interactive Elementary School Assembly Program featuring Steve and The Brain.
Reading Rampage Segmants:
Pump Up Your Vocabulary
Something Spells Funny In Here
Painting Pictures With Words
Punctuation Lobster Challenge
What's In The Library.
It's... > View Profile
Education Through Entertainment!
For the last 33 years, Mobile Ed Productions quality school assemblies have been traveling the United States, educating and entertaining hundreds of thousands of students with live educational school assembly programs and hands-on workshops.... > View Profile
Starry Road to Freedom is an original one-man show in which award-winning actor, Darius Wallace, brings the great abolitionist Frederick Douglass to life. This theatrical journey uses the power of story, poetry, and song to show how Douglass rose from slavery to superstar,... > View Profile
Darren Sardelli is an exciting, enthusiastic poet who makes poetry fun and meaningful to young people. His relatable topics, shocking twists and surprise endings, mixed with interaction and humor, keep students engaged and entertained. During this empowering assembly, students... > View Profile
Assemblies and Workshops: Learning Language Arts through HUMOR. A humorous ride through poetry and language arts concepts, including a new twist to the comprehension of literary tools such as similes, metaphors, poetic license, meter, and more.
Poetry and Language Arts 3 with... > View Profile
A Brand New Curriculum-based Program,
utilizing popular children's books!
Lon Cerel's Magic of Reading
The goal of THE MAGIC OF READING is to aid in your efforts to motivate your children by promoting the FUN of recreational reading, and the use of the... > View Profile
Holly Gander brings stories to life in a fun and immersive 45-minute program full of magic, balloons, and storytelling! The program includes your favorite nursery rhymes with lots of surprises. It's perfect for ages 2-11.
Teaching Objectives:
Literacy and a love... > View Profile
The #1 reading assembly on the East Coast and now available in Washington State! No individual performer is seen by more students in a school year. Joe Romano brings popular children’s book to life through the art of magic & illusion. Romano motivates your... > View Profile
Jennifer is both a musician and a storyteller and interweaves songs, tunes and tales into all of her programs.
Books Alive: Favorite books dance off the shelf with music and song. This program celebrates picture books, reading and storytelling. I tell the stories of... > View Profile
Barry is available to spend a day--or a week--at your school. He can meet with your students in assembly programs in the media center, gym or cafeteria -- or meet with small groups and present a poetry writing workshop where elementary and middle school-aged children can write... > View Profile
Created by a language arts specialist, “The Write Stuff” uses improvisational games to help students organize their thoughts. Students then develop and explore characters, using descriptive language to evoke environment and mood.
Information: Audience Limit: 25,... > View Profile
Mega Bubble Man loves to read and so he created a motivational program for kids to improve their reading skills! "Reading is Bubblicious!" is excellent for Libraries and Schools looking to kick off their reading program. Mega Bubble Man encourages children as they... > View Profile