School Shows, Assemblies & Workshops in California CA

Here is a list of School Shows, Assemblies & Workshops in California CA. Inquire here about any of these providers or select one to view below. You may also search for a specific show type or age group.


Recommended Providers: Lasermania Laser Assembly

Forty minutes long. $999 for one performance. $299 for each additional same-day performance. When it's time to reward your students for working so hard, LASERMANIA is the ticket. An exciting reward assembly during the day or a rockin' family fun event in the... > View Profile

Sports: GO BIG BMX AIR SHOW School Assembly

AN UNFORGETTABLE ACTION SPORTS SCHOOL ASSEMBLY! Don't miss this exciting Action Sports School Assembly featuring some of the World's Top BMX Athletes.  Your students, and staff will thoroughly enjoy this BIG AIR Thrill Show, and the... > View Profile

Red Ribbon Week: Bullying Prevention Laser Show!

Forty minutes long. $999 for one performance, $299 for each additional same-day performance. Take on bullying in an exciting, new way! Performed at over 1,000 elementary and middle schools over the last decade, BULLYING PREVENTION is a one-of-a-kind anti-bullying &... > View Profile

Entertainment: Maximum Entertainment BIG AIR BMX Show

UNFORGETTABLE MAX ENTERTAINMENT SCHOOL ASSEMBLY! Don't miss this exciting school assembly featuring some of the World's Top BMX Athletes.  Your students, and staff will thoroughly enjoy this BIG AIR Thrill Show, and the positive energy and vibes will last long beyond the... > View Profile

Reward Assemblies: Have #1 Superhero School Assembly at your School.

  Our message is delivered through a superhero theme.   BE A H.E.R.O. - Helping Everyone Respect Others. FIND OUT WHY OVER 8000 SCHOOLS HAVE SCHEDULED THE #1 PBIS, CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT & BULLY... > View Profile

Reward Assemblies: Prismatica Celebration

40 minutes long.  $999 for one performance, $299 for each additional same-day performance. Our Prismatica Celebration is the ultimate in fun reward assemblies. Prismatica is a high-octane mix of the newest age-appropriate pop/rock songs along with... > View Profile

Health & Fitness: PRO BMX Show for Health & Fitness Themes

BIG AIR HEALTH & FITNESS SCHOOL ASSEMBLY! Don't miss this exciting Health & Fitness School Assembly featuring some of the World's Top BMX Athletes.  Your students, and staff will thoroughly enjoy this BIG AIR Thrill Show, and... > View Profile

Anti Bullying & Life Skills: GO BIG BMX AIR Show ANTI-BULLYING Assembly

“An Unforgettable Action Sports Assembly with Powerful Anti-Bullying & Motivational Youth Messages” * ANTI-BULLYING * MOTIVATION * CHARACTER * RESPECT NO HOLDEN BACK, LLC PRESENTS the GO BIG BMX AIR Show Don't miss this exciting BIG AIR BMX Show that is sure to both... > View Profile

Virtual Shows: You care, we care, I.C.A.R.E

Abracabully is proud to present I.C.A.R.E.(individuality, Community, Attitude, Respect and Empathy) program,  an interactive show that delivers a powerful message about bullying prevention, respect and character development through the art of magic. Children will be... > View Profile

Science: STEM Expansion Laser Show

60 minutes, $1249. Additional performances $299. Laser Show STEM Expansion will capture your student's imaginations with a professionally animated laser show while explaining its workings in the process. The music, lasers, and lights will present an interactive show... > View Profile

Animal: Safari Laser Adventure

Forty minutes long. $999 for one performance. $299 for each additional same-day performance. Our expert uses music and lasers animations to take your students on an amazing adventure exploring two intriguing ecosystems, the African Serengeti and Amazon Rainforest. Discover... > View Profile

Virtual Shows: Virtual IRISH MUSIC - "Bagpipes and More!"

Participants are treated to the thrilling sound and spectacle of the bagpipes played by a piper in full kilt!  Stories are shared about the pipes' history and mythology, and different types of traditional bagpipe music and attire are explained and demonstrated. Students... > View Profile

Anti Bullying & Life Skills: Stop the Fear and Gain Confidence

Abracabully is proud to present I.C.A.R.E.(individuality, Community, Attitude, Respect and Empathy) program,  an interactive show that delivers a powerful message about bullying prevention, respect and character development through the art of magic. Children will be... > View Profile

Virtual Shows: Virtual Laser Safari

Take your students on an amazing adventure exploring two intriguing ecosystems, the African Serengeti and Amazon Rainforest. Our expert tour guide uses laser animations to take your students on an incredible safari to learn about unusual inhabitants that have adapted to thrive... > View Profile
