School Puppet Shows, Assemblies & Workshops

Here is a list of School Puppet Shows, Assemblies & Workshops. Browse our elementary, middle and high school Puppet show providers. Inquire here about any of these providers or select one to view below.


Award Winning Puppet Theatre

Barefoot Puppet Theatre tours award-winning programs to theatres, schools, libraries, children's museums and more. Families, educators, librarians, and theatre directors give enthusiastic reviews of our programs and invite us back again and again. Our shows feature... > View Profile

Values and Morals with Penny

Penny’s Puppet Productions is a professional one-woman puppet company dedicated to making the world a better place, one puppet show at a time! When working with schools, whether Pre-K, private elementary schools, or the Portland Public School District, Penny creates... > View Profile

Social Awareness

The Kids on the Block is an educational puppet program that enlightens children on the issues of disability awareness, medical-educational differences and social concerns.     > View Profile

The Shadow Puppetry of Jim Napolitano

For thousands of years, man has manipulated puppets for a variety of reasons:  religion, education, and entertainment. One of the oldest and most cinematic forms of puppetry is shadow puppetry. Nappy's Puppets is dedicated to presenting quality puppet theater to... > View Profile

Crabgrass Puppet Theatre

Our shows include: The Pirate and the Pea [new] Anansi, Spiderman of Africa Mr. Punch's Christmas Carol The Day it Snowed Tortillas Jabberwocky Haiku, Hiphop and Hotdogs: Poetry Comes Alive Crabgrass Sprouts -- The Lion & the Mouse and Other Tales:... > View Profile

Sophisticated Marionette

Each program features a cast of beautifully crafted and costumed hand puppets and marionettes, performing a high-energy, fast paced cabaret style variety show that encompasses a wide range of musical styles. These highly polished productions, with their special dramatic lighting... > View Profile

Vikki Green - Oregon School Assemblies

Oregon ventriloquist and childrens' book author, Vikki Green, captivates young imaginations with energetic shows that feature colorful characters, cool magical moments, and lots of interaction with the crowd. Vikki's programs include: No Bullies and Friendship Skills... > View Profile

Mount Olympus

Tales from Greek Mythology: Blow the dust off stories from ancient Greece and bring the power, majesty, and magic of Mount Olympus to life! Mythmasters enlightens your teachers’ units on Greek mythology and explores the stories of Phaeton and Helios, Orpheus and... > View Profile

Keep our Planet Clean

Kindle Karoo Goes Green! The Earth Recycling Show: This unique musical Earth Day entertainment is designed to promote environmental awareness to children and their families. Kiddle and her pals learn valuable lessons about recycling, preserving natural resources, and keeping... > View Profile

Splash into Books

Make a Splash with a Book: Come along as we splash into books and show how reading can be fun and important to all of us. Plenty of student participation, Croco the gator puppet makes a book come to life, watch a Library Card appear before everyone's eyes, Great Music and... > View Profile

Master Puppet Artist

Puppetools is a puppet-based arts education technology designed to integrate puppets as a widely used educational tool to improve creativity, team work, focus, interest in obtaining knowledge, build self-esteem, and bring back joy and fun in learning.  We are available... > View Profile

Inspector Magic

This effective use of your Assembly time offers a change of pace in teaching, and excites and stimulates the students through motivational storytelling and audience participation. Inspector Magic utilizes creative visual allegories to demonstrate parables and ideas in a fun way... > View Profile

Dave Herzog's Marionettes

Dave Herzog's Marionettes delightful musical marionette variety shows are the perfect school assembly solution for pre-school and lower primary grades. Audiences are amazed as Dave's marionettes roller skate, walk the tight rope, magically transform, perform on the solo... > View Profile

Art Appreciation

Picasso People has been inspiring the lives of children for more than fifteen years. Through the use of our unique assembly program, we will inspire, stimulate, and connect with your students. Highly acclaimed by arts educators as refreshing, creative and effective; students... > View Profile