School Asian Pacific Heritage Month Shows, Assemblies & Workshops

Here is a list of School Asian Pacific Heritage Month Shows, Assemblies & Workshops. Browse our elementary, middle and high school Asian Pacific Heritage Month show providers. Inquire here about any of these providers or select one to view below.

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Recommended Providers: Pro BMX Show Delivers Powerful Education & Excitement!

LOOKING FOR AN ASSEMBLY YOUR STUDENTS WILL LOVE?  PRO BMX ATHLTES deliver powerful inspiring messages including ANTI-BULLYING, LIVING YOUR DREAMS, MOTIVATION AND MORE!  This LIVE 40-minute Stunt Show that will amaze and thoroughly entertain your students. GoGreen BMX... > View Profile

Literacy: Write On

If you are seriously interested in quality education at your school, then have Kit come to your school with Educational Entertainment Excellence to motivate and educate your students in an entertaining and thought-provoking way. Write On:  You can go anywhere through... > View Profile

History: Ellis Island--Gateway To A Dream

Ellis Island served as headquarters for immigrants coming to America from 1892 to 1954. It is estimated that before closing, 12 million people came through on their way to a new life in America. Our 55-minute musical captures the essence of the immigrant journey and hardships... > View Profile

Entertainment: Operation Coordinator

My name is Joe “the trick-star” Odhiambo, and I am looking to join a motivation speaking team like your if you have an opening. I know it is late right now; however, I would love to talk to you and see if I can feel some of your engagements around the country. I use... > View Profile

Magic: Magic Suzy

Hi, I'm Magic Suzy, the #1 Comedy Kid's Magician in Saint Petersburg / Tampa Florida! I perform comedy magic shows for children's birthday parties, preschools, libraries, churches, summer camps, and elementary schools. Plus there's lots of jokes and gags and... > View Profile

Music: Fun Music with the Teddy Bears

Teddy Bear Band's music, fun, and participation goal is for children to gain and maintain a positive sense of self and an appreciation of their own abilities. Within all the fun and musical interaction Teddy Bear Band is also able to provide educational content in it's... > View Profile

Music: Science, Math and Music

Curriculum Integration:  Music, Math, Science and Technology. This interactive program has been voted a perennial favorite by students at the annual regional Science and Math Jamboree.  The presentation looks at modern music technology, exploring the math and science... > View Profile

Anti Bullying & Life Skills: Pro BMX Show - Powerful Education & Excitement!

LOOKING FOR AN ASSEMBLY YOUR STUDENTS WILL LOVE?  PRO BMX ATHLTES deliver powerful inspiring messages including ANTI-BULLYING, LIVING YOUR DREAMS, MOTIVATION AND MORE!  This LIVE 40-minute Stunt Show that will amaze and thoroughly entertain your students. GoGreen BMX... > View Profile

Entertainment: Joe “the trick-star

My name is Joe “the trick-star” Odhiambo, and I am looking to join a motivation speaking team like your if you have an opening. I know it is late right now; however, I would love to talk to you and see if I can feel some of your engagements around the... > View Profile

Recommended Providers: Problem Solving Skills

Hello, my name is Dennis Regling. Through the years I have helped countless schools across the east and midwest motivate, educate and inform students with uplifting assembly programs. Now I'd like to help you get your students excited about learning. I offer... > View Profile

Entertainment: Michael Smith and the Starfish

Welcome to Scream n Shout 'Kidz With Character';  the fastest growing Elementary School Assembly in the  USA! The choices we make when faced with life's challenges truly define our character. After miraculously overcoming staggering odds to survive... > View Profile

Career: Being Deliberate

Motivational talk about getting started in life by being deliberate and making good choices about jobs, school, majors, friends, impression management, volunteer work, experiences, life choices, resumes, interviews, etc. Also details how lack of exposure results in lack of... > View Profile

Literacy: Literacy for Schools in MA & RI

Mark Binder’s writing workshops are amazing. In the space of a single class, he teaches a simple theory of story structure, an easy method of improvisational creativity, and gets students writing. > View Profile

Earth Day, Eco & Environment: Animals & Environment

Animals and the Environment Face-to-face with some furry friends. Here at Mobile Ed Productions, we have a commitment to presenting our content in ways that students will never forget. In Animals and the Environment, students will learn about the impact that humans have on... > View Profile