School Art & Craft Shows, Assemblies & Workshops

Here is a list of School Art & Craft Shows, Assemblies & Workshops. Browse our elementary, middle and high school Art & Craft show providers. Inquire here about any of these providers or select one to view below.


Anime with Janice

Anime is the coolest cartooning technique from Japan! This workshop teaches students core anime techniques that they practice by working at their own level and speed. Set up as a grid game, students learn to draw their own original characters with distinctive Anime features and... > View Profile

Anime Your Way

Want to learn how to draw your favorite anime acharacter or design an original one from scratch?  Anime Your Way is a cutting edge DIY approach to designing anime characters using simple shapes and easy to understand ideas! No drawing experience needed! This all ages program is... > View Profile

Michelle's Books

A book artist inspires students to create their own books. Styles include accordion, pop-up, scrolls, wearable books and journals. Students will personalize their books using stamps, drawings and collage. Books can be used to hold students’ poetry, short stories and art... > View Profile

Wood Sculpture

The Creative Beginnings wood sculpture residency introduces young children to the art form of sculpture. Students experience and create an art form in three-dimensional space while they simultaneously learn about wood, trees, and nature. Students learn language and vocabulary... > View Profile

Adobe Clay

Using adobe clay, students create wall sculptures by manipulating clay pieces and embedding found objects. From mixing to design, students use their creativity to build their own works of art. This project can be done with or without a kiln. Information:, Audience Limit:25,... > View Profile

Graphic Creations

Students hone their visual communication and storytelling skills through hand-drawing their own original graphic tale with the guidance of award-win-ning artist Raul Gonzalez. An inspiring teacher, Raul has taught at both the Museum of Fine Arts and the Institute for... > View Profile

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Science: E=MC2 Science Demonstrations

We offer large scale science demonstrations and hands-on science experiments for all ages!   We can do physical science, biology (including dissections) and chemistry!  We can show you the world of science in a new and entertaining way!   We work with... > View Profile

Magic: School Assembly Shows - Outstanding!

Mickey's Magical Educational Shows are designed to support the school’s efforts in Reading, Science and Anti Bullying programs. They are educational and entertaining. Yes entertaining. Your students will be amazed with Mickeys Magic. They will laugh all the way through... > View Profile

Entertainment: BULLY-FREE! STARTS WITH YOU & ME!!!

America's Most Epic Superhero-Themed School Assembly Here's a great opportunity to get things back to NORMAL and to enhance your school's PBIS, Character Traits & Anti-Bullying Initiative with... > View Profile

Circus: Henry the Juggler

Henry the Juggler: Henry the Juggler is considered armed (and legged) and dangerous. He is known to cause spontaneous outbursts of laughter. He speaks little, but says a great deal through his expression and body language. He has in his possession Balls, Clubs, Rings, Torches... > View Profile

Music: Harp & Stories

I perform on the wire-strung Gaelic Harp accompanied by stories of the harp, the music, the players and the times in which they lived.   Incredibly beautiful music interspersed with stories that are both educational and entertaining.  > View Profile

Literacy: Live Education with Ed

Education Through Entertainment! For the last 33 years, Mobile Ed Productions quality school assemblies have been traveling the United States, educating and entertaining hundreds of thousands of students with live educational school assembly programs and hands-on workshops.... > View Profile

History: Miss Ellie and History

Speaking of Ladies - 19th Century Women of America Historical presentations by Miss Ellie, programs are customized to age & size of group and are aroubd 45-60 minutes in length. For Weal or Woe: Women's Influences on the War Between the States. This... > View Profile

Anti Bullying & Life Skills: Kids for Kindness

"Kids for Kindness" is a positive kindness and bully prevention elementary school assembly. Our seasoned professional performer engages TK-6 school audiences with a dynamic, musical, interactive theatrical-style program. Roll playing and a little puppetry is also used to... > View Profile