School Art & Craft Shows, Assemblies & Workshops

Here is a list of School Art & Craft Shows, Assemblies & Workshops. Browse our elementary, middle and high school Art & Craft show providers. Inquire here about any of these providers or select one to view below.


Michelle's Books

A book artist inspires students to create their own books. Styles include accordion, pop-up, scrolls, wearable books and journals. Students will personalize their books using stamps, drawings and collage. Books can be used to hold students’ poetry, short stories and art... > View Profile

Graphic Creations

Students hone their visual communication and storytelling skills through hand-drawing their own original graphic tale with the guidance of award-win-ning artist Raul Gonzalez. An inspiring teacher, Raul has taught at both the Museum of Fine Arts and the Institute for... > View Profile

Wood Sculpture

The Creative Beginnings wood sculpture residency introduces young children to the art form of sculpture. Students experience and create an art form in three-dimensional space while they simultaneously learn about wood, trees, and nature. Students learn language and vocabulary... > View Profile

Adobe Clay

Using adobe clay, students create wall sculptures by manipulating clay pieces and embedding found objects. From mixing to design, students use their creativity to build their own works of art. This project can be done with or without a kiln. Information:, Audience Limit:25,... > View Profile

Anime Your Way

Want to learn how to draw your favorite anime acharacter or design an original one from scratch?  Anime Your Way is a cutting edge DIY approach to designing anime characters using simple shapes and easy to understand ideas! No drawing experience needed! This all ages program is... > View Profile

Anime with Janice

Anime is the coolest cartooning technique from Japan! This workshop teaches students core anime techniques that they practice by working at their own level and speed. Set up as a grid game, students learn to draw their own original characters with distinctive Anime features and... > View Profile

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Science: Extra-Ordinary Science Experiences

At IQ Science, we use ordinary household items to bring extra-ordinary science experiences to schools in Southeastern Michigan. All of our programs aim to put the pupil in quest of science. Programmes Available: That Makes Sense: an intro to the senses. This program uses... > View Profile

Career: Career Day

Career Day Presentations: What does it take to have a rewarding career in music or science? This presentation is designed to be part of a school career day for students, or Bill can be a keynote speaker combining music and interactive discussion. Bill discusses the skills and... > View Profile

Puppet: Diana Rockwell, Ventriloquist

Academic Entertainment best suited to your needs! Award Winning Ventriloquist Diana has been performing for nearly two decades and provides a multitude of themes to work with. She has traveled in various parts of the country sharing messages of anti-bullying, fire safety,... > View Profile

Recommended Providers: Problem Solving Skills

Hello, my name is Dennis Regling. Through the years I have helped countless schools across the east and midwest motivate, educate and inform students with uplifting assembly programs. Now I'd like to help you get your students excited about learning. I offer... > View Profile

Drama and Theatre: Cat Mountain

Cat Mountain: A Japanese folk tale comes to life in this theater performance with original music, masks, and traditional Japanese songs. Listen and experience the story of Sho, a servant girl who journeys to Cat Mountain where she hopes to find her cat and her own freedom. > View Profile

Anti Bullying & Life Skills: TEEN TRUTH: School Assembly Program

Infused with the student created films that made TEEN TRUTH a leader in educational content, the TEEN TRUTH: Assembly Experience uses engaging storytelling, real world examples, and audience participation to teach students how to identify different... > View Profile

Health & Fitness: Bert Badger

Bert Badger is a fun interactive live show showcasing his songs benefitting movement and exercise. His large catalog of music can fit any scenerio for any school or theme. Whether its a holiday party, PTA event, opening for a movie night to get everyone pumped or a fun exercise... > View Profile

Anti Bullying & Life Skills: We Are Champions

The Spin-tacular Basketball Program incorporates basketballs, unicycles, music, and fun in a program that bridges the gap between your church or organization into the hearts of the listeners. It has been an effective tool to reach the hearts of youth and adults with the message... > View Profile