School Shows, Assemblies & Workshops in Maryland MD

Here is a list of School Shows, Assemblies & Workshops in Maryland MD. Inquire here about any of these providers or select one to view below. You may also search for a specific show type or age group.


Science: Does Spaghetti Bounce? Science Show For K-8

Does Spaghetti Bounce?  Liquids, Solids, Gasses “You’ll feel great knowing you have a top-notch science assembly program that motivates kids to explore science on their own.” Students learn about the states of matter through amazing... > View Profile

Math: The Amazing Mysteries of Mathematics

Amazing Mysteries of Mathematics:  You Can't Have Fun Without Math That is the message of this wonder-filled trip into mathematics. A King, A Jester, A Possum, and Houdini Add Up To Mathematical Mirth, Amazement & Motivation. With story telling, magical props, audience... > View Profile

Science: Laser STEM Expansion Show

60-minutes long. $1249 for one performance. $299 for each additional same-day performance. The first 20 minutes is a live, crash course in light, lasers, and color. Chock full of one-of-a-kind laser demonstrations, students and adults alike will be captivated as they learn... > View Profile

Science: VR Workshops

New to US schools - fully interactive Virtual Reality experiences. Number One workshop in Europe and Australia! We cover EVERY school location across all 50 states. Choose your assembly type: Presenter led session  We send the kit to you! 35 VR headsets and... > View Profile

Patriotic: Star-Spangled Spectacular

Program runs 40 minutes. $999 for one program; $299 more per additional same-day program. Celebrate the American spirit of innovation, discovery, and exploration with the STAR-SPANGLED LASER SPECTACULAR, a dazzling musical and laser extravaganza that highlights some... > View Profile

Reward Assemblies: The Original Magic Of Science Show

The Original Magic Of Science:   Our Classic Fun-Filled Science Show. This is the program that made Mr. Dennis the most in-demand school assembly presenter in the Midwest. Is it a magic show, or is it a science assembly? It's Both! Using math, physics and... > View Profile

Spring: Laser Spring Jam

Forty minutes long. $999 for one performance. $299 for each additional same-day performance. SPRING JAM is an energetic spring laser concert that features music associated with fun activities of spring and summer. Lasers, music, along with a dance contest promote physical... > View Profile

Physics: NEW! PRO BMX Show teaches Physics...

UNFORGETTABLE BMX SHOW PHYSICS SCHOOL ASSEMBLY! Don't miss this exciting School Assembly featuring some of the World's Top BMX Athletes.  Your students, and staff will thoroughly enjoy this BIG AIR Thrill Show, and the positive energy and vibes... > View Profile

Science: "Aliens Alive!" Space Show

Welcome aboard The Story Ship! Be sure to check out our other shows for anti-bullying, STEAM, science, math, ELA, and more! "Alien's Alive" is an immersive, fast paced, theatrical adventure combining: Comedy Theater Awesome Magic Fantastic Large... > View Profile

Health & Fitness: Spring Jam Assembly

Forty minutes long. $999 for one performance. $299 for each additional same-day performance. SPRING JAM is an energetic spring laser concert that features music associated with fun activities of spring and summer. Lasers, music, along with a dance contest promote physical... > View Profile

Virtual Shows: Virtual Laser Science

An exciting crash course in light, lasers, and color. Chock full of one-of-a-kind laser demonstrations, students and adults alike will be captivated as they learn about: Light and Energy Reflection, Refraction, and Absorption Persistence of Vision Primary... > View Profile

Red Ribbon Week: TOP Character Development Program in the NATION!!

FIND OUT WHY OVER 7000 SCHOOLS HAVE SCHEDULED THE #1 PBIS, CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT & BULLY PREVENTION Here's a great opportunity to get things back to NORMAL and to enhance your school's PBIS, Character... > View Profile

Anti Bullying & Life Skills: Superhero Bully-Free Assembly

TOP BULLY PREVENTION & PBIS SCHOOL ASSEMBLY! Here's a great opportunity to get things back to NORMAL and to enhance your school's PBIS, Character Traits & Anti-Bullying Initiative with a "LIVE" SUPERHERO ASSEMBLY! FIND OUT WHY OVER 8000 SCHOOLS HAVE SCHEDULED THE #1 PBIS,... > View Profile

Story Telling & Author: Laser Reader

Forty minutes long. $999 for one performance. $299 for each additional same-day performance. Are you ready for the most amazing reading assembly ever? LASER READER combines a terrific presenter with giant laser illustrations that is guaranteed to have your students on the... > View Profile
