School Shows, Assemblies & Workshops in Maryland MD

Here is a list of School Shows, Assemblies & Workshops in Maryland MD. Inquire here about any of these shows or select one to view below.

Other Shows you may be interested in:


Winter Holiday: Winter Holiday Adventure

Forty minutes long. $999 for one performance. $299 for each additional same-day performance. Herald in the season of peace and joy with the WINTER HOLIDAY ADVENTURE, a wonderful laser concert beloved by audiences of all ages. Get whisked away by a medley of Holiday... > View Profile

Animal: Live Animal Shows

We bring small, exotic animals to your school to teach students about vertebrates vs. invertebrates, biology, animal behavior, biodiversity, conservation, food webs, the five classfications of vertebrates, and more. Students may pet hold most of the animals.... > View Profile

Magic: Amazing Michigan Magic Shows

Amazing Michigan magic shows designed to leave everyone in the audience smiling and amazed. Standard magic shows are available, as well as shows that have themes and educational messages to tie into curriculum.  Currently, the magic shows available to Michigan schools... > View Profile

Music: Interactive Music & Drumming Experience

Musical IQ offers unique educational and entertainment programs, incorporating music, rhythm and drumming, storytelling and song.  We provide enough musical instruments for every participant. Our programs are entriely interactive, engaging, hands-on and... > View Profile

Physics: The Paper Airplane Guy

World famous 45 minute STEM enrichment program, for classrooms or assemblies, live or virtual, that demonstrates aerodynamics using paper airplanes.  The circle back, loop, flip over and fly back upside down, spin, tumble, flap their wings, and fly forever (actual forever may... > View Profile

Anti Bullying & Life Skills: Yes, You Can! Motivational Programs

In this motivational address, Lloyd Bachrach inspires others with his riveting story about living with a severe physical disability. Born with Proximal Femoral Focal Deficiency (PFFD), a rare congenital bone deficiency, Lloyd faces tremendous challenges on a daily basis. Lloyd’s... > View Profile

Music: Art Appreciation

Picasso People has been inspiring the lives of children for more than fifteen years. Through the use of our unique assembly program, we will inspire, stimulate, and connect with your students. Highly acclaimed by arts educators as refreshing, creative and effective; students... > View Profile

Anti Bullying & Life Skills: The YoJo Show!

YoJo performs the most "Hilariously Educational" assembly programs for elementary schools.  His unique style of laughter and learning is perfect to get your students energized about ... Reading Motivation Health & Fitness Anti-Bullying Test-taking... > View Profile

Recommended Providers: Anti-Bullying School Assembly Programs with X Games Champ, Kevin Robinson

EXTREMELY FUN & EXTREMELY EDUCATIONAL Guinness World Record holder and 10 time X Games Medalist, Kevin Robinson (K-Rob) has an extraordinary gift of inspiring and empowering people to change the course of their lives in a positive way! Audiences young and old are riveted to... > View Profile

Entertainment: Question Time

The question - Which Traveling Game Show provides the most exciting, effective and participatory experience? The Answer - unique GameShows! Look no further as unique has over 20 years and 20,000 shows of experience entertaining children as young as four and all ages of... > View Profile

Career: Animal Handler/Keeper Careers

Many kids are interested in animals but are unsure how to go about getting started. They believe that school will teach them all they will need to know to get a zoo keeper's job or even a veterinarian! They lack the experiences they will need to make informed choices as to what... > View Profile

Science: Mad Science

Mad Science Shows: Now celebrating our 30th year, Mad Science spectacular science shows bring kids and science together in an unforgettable event! Mad Science special events are science-themed shows designed to amaze and entertain audiences. Children learn about science when... > View Profile

Music: David Wells Grammy Nominee

I'm endorsed by Conn/Selmer as a national performer, nominee for the 51st Grammy's, and a promoter for various festivals (Nashville, TN., Marietta, Oh., Parkersburg, WV., Bowling Green, Ky.    Topics:  1. Dare To Dream  2. Making Right... > View Profile

Anti Bullying & Life Skills: Champions Forever

Are you ready to be inspired by a program that your students and teachers will be talking about all year?  You have seen them on TV!  We would like to welcome a Finalist from America's Got Talent!  The Spin-tacular Basketball Show with Bruce & Diane Crevier and their family of... > View Profile