School Shows, Assemblies & Workshops in Illinois IL

Here is a list of School Shows, Assemblies & Workshops in Illinois IL. Inquire here about any of these shows or select one to view below.

Other Shows you may be interested in:


Math: Math = Magic

Here is a great show for grade school ages. Your students will see math in action as they experience fun with magic squares, math predictions, measuremtn fun and more. Mr. Zap offers three different math shows. Grades prek to 2 enjoy Math 101, Grades 3 through 5 can enjoy Math =... > View Profile


This fun and interactive musical journey has been delivered over 1,000 times and receives outstanding reviews. Your students will sing, dance, make close up observations, use actions and ask question to the musician. Modified for your age group or grade level.  Lessons... > View Profile

Indigenous: Music of the Earth - "A Celebration of World Cultures & the Earth!"

Mysterious, exciting, fun and educational, with dozens of instruments from 5 continents!  Unique, interactive Multi-Cultural world music assemblies with giant drums, Indian snake-charmer, crystal singing bowls, Australian didgeridoos, Chinese gongs, Native American... > View Profile

Puppet: Splash into Books

Make a Splash with a Book: Come along as we splash into books and show how reading can be fun and important to all of us. Plenty of student participation, Croco the gator puppet makes a book come to life, watch a Library Card appear before everyone's eyes, Great Music and... > View Profile

Story Telling & Author: Andrea's Building Programme

In this community-building program, students learn the elements of story structure and discover their storytelling skills as Andrea guides them to perform personal narratives in front of an audience. Beginning with familiar stories and fables, students use open-ended... > View Profile

Literacy: Reading Rocks Magic Show

Joe Holiday's Reading Rocks Magic Show is the perfect literacy assembly program with a unique blend of stage magic, comedy, hit music and audience participation. The show is kid tested, teacher approved, filled with state of the art magic effects and scripted material. A... > View Profile

Science: Mad Science Special Event Assemblies, Science Days and Booths

Mad Science Special Events are high-energy, entertaining, and exciting shows that capture the attention of children.  We introduce a series of captivating demonstrations that are educational and fun.  Exciting experiments may include anything from a bungee jumping Erlenmeyer... > View Profile

Drama and Theatre: Eleanor Roosevelt

Eleanor Roosevelt – The First Lady of The World – After suffering through an unhappy childhood, [eleanor] and losing her parents and one of her brothers. She figured out where she fit in and could make a difference. She grew up and became an American politician.... > View Profile

Anti Bullying & Life Skills: TEEN TRUTH: School Assembly Program

Infused with the student created films that made TEEN TRUTH a leader in educational content, the TEEN TRUTH: Assembly Experience uses engaging storytelling, real world examples, and audience participation to teach students how to identify different... > View Profile

Health & Fitness: Extreme Action

Best In Action Sports Entertainment! Solution Action Sports produces EXTREME – high flying entertainment that leaves thousands of spectators nationwide in awe every year. Our jaw dropping entertainment is enjoyable for all ages. Being able to put something unique, (i.e.... > View Profile

Earth Day, Eco & Environment: OCEANS & SHARKS ROCK - Virtual Option Too!

An extraordinary multi-media interactive, up-close experience - for PreK thru 8th grade. With Museum exhibits of massive, cool sea creatures as the backdrop. Plus, even in a virtual format, it's still HANDS-ON as we ship sea fossils & seashells directly to you for... > View Profile

Story Telling & Author: Fun Illustrations

Once upon a Toon is a unique blend of Storytelling and live Cartoon Illustration. Once Upon a Toon shines a spotlight on creativity! This fun, interactive program blends original stories and live cartoon illustration by Joe Wos for an unforgettable and entertaining experience... > View Profile

Animal: Snakes-N-Scales' Reptiles and Other Animals Assemblies

Join Us! in our Passion for the odd and unloved animals of the world. Over the course of 3 decades of school assemblies we have seen the wonderful results of giving kids access to animals in a real and meaningful way. Sharing our love, curiosity and wonder of these... > View Profile

Magic: Creative Box

Since 2001, Vincent Magic Productions has been providing quality entertainment to presenters, all across the United States. From children's parties and family picnics, to corporate events, festivals and major theme parks, Vincent Magic Productions has the unique ability to... > View Profile