School Magic Shows, Assemblies & Workshops

Here is a list of School Magic Shows, Assemblies & Workshops. Browse our elementary, middle and high school Magic show providers. Inquire here about any of these providers or select one to view below.


How Did He Do That? Magic Shows

"Magic has a wonderful way of capturing attention. When a student is focused on a magic trick "How did he do that?" Their minds are open to receive new and/or reenforcing information. All of my shows are filled with captivating sleight of hand magic, audience... > View Profile

Kidzmagic School Magic Shows

Andrew has performed at schools and libraries throughout the Midwest offering "just for fun" shows as well as performances with an educational twist (Reading Counts, Be a Buddy-Not a Bully, Recycle/Reuse, ie...). "Kidzmagic" is filled with opportunities for students to become... > View Profile

Shadows & Magic Show

One of the most visual shows out there. Full of visually stunning magic & Large scale hand shadows to close the show. Audeince participation as well, inspiring people to reach for more in their own lives, perfect of all ages.. Chase your dreams.     > View Profile

Bringing the Magic to you

After many years in the magic industry, Philip Murad found his second passion- business- and combined it with his first to make magic shows even more accessible to the average person. In honor of his background, he started his own company and named it for himself and his magical... > View Profile

ROBOTS + MAGIC by Mario the Maker Magician

It’s magic through the lens of the Maker Movement! New York-based touring family performer, Mario the Maker Magician, brings you a S.T.E.A.M.-centric elementary school assembly experience full of homespun MAGIC, handmade ROBOTS, and modern SLAPSTICK.... > View Profile

Marcus the Magician

As a performance artist, Marcus the Magician from The Magicompany presents a hilarious, laugh-packed school show full of amazing magic, wonderful audience interaction, and fun-filled humor. The fun comes from everywhere --- including out of a hat --- as the air is filled with... > View Profile

Amazing Michigan Magic Shows

Amazing Michigan magic shows designed to leave everyone in the audience smiling and amazed. Standard magic shows are available, as well as shows that have themes and educational messages to tie into curriculum.  Currently, the magic shows available to Michigan schools... > View Profile

Magic on the Road

Mr. Wiz, the Magician, has over 20 years of experience in captivating his audiences.  Oohs and aahs are sounds often heard from audiences of children and grownups alike as he delights them with his prowess with magic. School and Library Magic Shows: Mr. Wiz the Magician... > View Profile

Magical Arts

Paul Weatherbee is a third generation magician who has been actively involved in magic since he was a child. He has made multiple television appearances throughout his career, and had his own creations published in several leading journals of magical arts. Weatherbee's Magic... > View Profile

Educational Topics and Magic

The James Wand Secret Agent Magic Show is hilarious fun for schools and libraries that packs powerful educational content into a fast-paced show. Choose from three important educational themes: bullying, reading and Red Ribbon Week. The children enjoy the exciting magic and... > View Profile

Creative Box

Since 2001, Vincent Magic Productions has been providing quality entertainment to presenters, all across the United States. From children's parties and family picnics, to corporate events, festivals and major theme parks, Vincent Magic Productions has the unique ability to... > View Profile

School Assembly Magic!

Imagine effortlessly inspiring students to read more and respect others. You’ve found school programs that do that and more. Students LOVE and benefit from assembly programs: "Discover the Magic of Reading!", “Take P.R.I.D.E. - A Life Changing Character Education Program!”, as... > View Profile

Reading Rocks Magic Show

Joe Holiday's Reading Rocks Magic Show is the perfect literacy assembly program with a unique blend of stage magic, comedy, hit music and audience participation. The show is kid tested, teacher approved, filled with state of the art magic effects and scripted material. A... > View Profile