School Drama and Theatre Shows, Assemblies & Workshops

Here is a list of School Drama and Theatre Shows, Assemblies & Workshops. Browse our elementary, middle and high school Drama and Theatre show providers. Inquire here about any of these providers or select one to view below.


Flying Ship Productions

Flying Ship Productions brings original musical theatre to young audiences in an accessible, educational and thoroughly enjoyable format. Shows are based on folklore, literature or historical figures, and feature creative costumes, colorful scenery, inventive staging, dynamic... > View Profile

Youth Theatre Across the US

ACT for Youth tours Year-Round bringing high quality theatre performances to children across the U.S. Each production is performed by highly skilled Professional Actors who have a dedication to Arts Education. Shows are designed for touring and can be performed in theatres,... > View Profile

TSF Drama & Theatre

TSF performances provide a unique combination of: CLEVER SCRIPTS ORIGINAL SONGS LIVE MUSIC with instruments including bagpipes, lute, drums, guitar, and more BEAUTIFUL SETS EXCEPTIONAL ACTING TSF (Two Silly Fathers) Productions brings the joy and excitement of... > View Profile

Improvise with Kenn

Bring Adventure Theater to your School today! Workshops, Residencies, and After School Drama Clubs. Classroom Workshops: A professional teaching-artist will come into your classroom and lead a single workshop in any of the following disciplines.  All of our workshops use... > View Profile

Cat Mountain

Cat Mountain: A Japanese folk tale comes to life in this theater performance with original music, masks, and traditional Japanese songs. Listen and experience the story of Sho, a servant girl who journeys to Cat Mountain where she hopes to find her cat and her own freedom. > View Profile

Workshop for the Deaf

NTD has developed a series of workshops for students and the general public which help answer those questions. Current workshop offerings include Lecture / Demonstration, Creative Drama, and Creativity with Sign Language. All NTD workshops are conducted in American Sign Language... > View Profile

The Ryan Case

Prepare for a scavenger hunt through the underbelly of the Five Points. You will encounter aspirational low-lives, destitute urchins, and all sorts in between. In your search for the truth, you’ll uncover clues, confront suspects, and valiantly battle to mete out the justice... > View Profile

The Power of Theatre

Saltworks was founded on the belief that lives can be positively changed through the power of live theater. Award-winning, entertaining, and educational school assemblies which make clear the consequences of substance abuse, sexual activity, and internet danger, yet contain an... > View Profile

Bringing Great Works to Life

GreatWorks' shows are all either literature or social studies based. While some of the shows are designed to work with general audiences (see our Show Picker page for more details), most of our shows are designed for specific grades/ages, and written with the vocabularies... > View Profile

Hansel & Gretel STEAM Assembly

Hansel & Gretel by Erin E. Dolan April 25-May 20, 2022 Running Time: Approx. 50 minutes Recommended for grades K-5 WORLD PREMIERE! An all-new spin on Hansel & Gretel written by Cleveland playwright, Erin E. Dolan! The classic Grimm's... > View Profile

Eleanor Roosevelt

Eleanor Roosevelt – The First Lady of The World – After suffering through an unhappy childhood, [eleanor] and losing her parents and one of her brothers. She figured out where she fit in and could make a difference. She grew up and became an American politician.... > View Profile

Create, Innovate and Renew

Innovo Physical Theatre seeks to be innovative with the physicality of theatre, renewing the ancient art of mime to inspire hearts today through beauty, story and truth. We seek to be creative through performance, and encourage others toward creative expression through training... > View Profile

Motivational Drama

The Pro-Kids Show!® is a motivational character-building program growing out of 20 years of success in schools across the United States. Through the use of music, magic, comedy, and involvement, students learn the importance of honesty, respect, self-image, cooperation... > View Profile

Living History Shows

Award-Winning Living History shows for school assemblies. Scripted Shows: A Christmas Carol: Dickens' haunting holiday classic, complete with sing-along carols, student and staff actors, ghosts, and Tiny Tim. Ancient Greece and Rome: An interactive show with... > View Profile