School Career Shows, Assemblies & Workshops

Here is a list of School Career Shows, Assemblies & Workshops. Browse our elementary, middle and high school Career show providers. Inquire here about any of these providers or select one to view below.


Being Deliberate

Motivational talk about getting started in life by being deliberate and making good choices about jobs, school, majors, friends, impression management, volunteer work, experiences, life choices, resumes, interviews, etc. Also details how lack of exposure results in lack of... > View Profile

Crack the Code STEM Game Show

“Crack the Code Game Show” is an intense and challenging head-to-head competition that requires teams of students to utilize STEM principles to crack their code before the other team. Deductive reasoning, logic, communication, problem solving, critical thinking, creativity, and... > View Profile

Test-Busters Test Preparation Show

Are you looking for something to help motivate, encourage, and relieve your students from the stress of taking the State Test? Great Assemblies & Dennis Regling have a new, interactive and exciting show to help your students have the confidence and the tools they need to... > View Profile

Animal Handler/Keeper Careers

Many kids are interested in animals but are unsure how to go about getting started. They believe that school will teach them all they will need to know to get a zoo keeper's job or even a veterinarian! They lack the experiences they will need to make informed choices as to what... > View Profile

Career Presentations

Ted delivers unforgettable and entertaining Keynote presentations, Corporate Coaching and Leadership Development Programs. From the shop floor to the boardroom Ted brings to life the struggles of becoming a leader and leaves the group with real action steps. More than... > View Profile

Career Day

Career Day Presentations: What does it take to have a rewarding career in music or science? This presentation is designed to be part of a school career day for students, or Bill can be a keynote speaker combining music and interactive discussion. Bill discusses the skills and... > View Profile

Other Shows you may be interested in:


Music: Science, Math and Music

Curriculum Integration:  Music, Math, Science and Technology. This interactive program has been voted a perennial favorite by students at the annual regional Science and Math Jamboree.  The presentation looks at modern music technology, exploring the math and science... > View Profile

Earth Day, Eco & Environment: Camping with Mel

Step back in time... Into Unaweep Canyon. Into the past, as you smell the woodsmoke. Sit in the tipi, practicing wilderness skills in the land of the proud Ute you touch the earth and experience reflections of the past. Nature Knowledge’s Tipi Camp is located... > View Profile

Recommended Providers: The Great Boodini

It's..... The Great Boodini!! MAGIC, JUGGLING, TECHNOLOGY, COMEDY and AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION all combine to create an AMAZING SHOW! Here is a review for Boodini's school show from an Assembly Shows for Schools client.... "As the principal of a K-8th grade... > View Profile

Virtual Shows: INSECTS ROCK

We Bring The INSECT Museum To You  - now in a virtual (or in-person) format Amazing Museum displays of REAL insects Highly interactive, fun, educational show HANDS-ON - we ship take-home items to you including options like Amber Discovery where Students polish... > View Profile

Science: Jargie the Science Girl!

Join Jargie on a journey of scientific exploration! Based on the California Next Generation Science Standards, this live, interactive, science education show will rattle the molecules of your inner scientist. Each 40-minute performance features quirky experiment-driven... > View Profile

Dinosaur: Hey Ho Haddy

Hey Ho Haddy is hosted by Field Station: Dinosaurs’ Expedition Commander Guy Gsell and features our singing, strumming Dinosaur Troubadour. The show uses the story of Haddy to teach important lessons in science aligned with the state’s Core Curriculum and the... > View Profile

Magic: No Bully Zone Magic Show

No Bully Zone is a new magic show for school children of all ages. Scotty Swan presents a fun filled , family friendly show with a great message. Please see site for further details > View Profile

Magic: And that's Magic - CA

My school programs are guaranteed to hold kids attention no matter the age. THEY become part of the program and constantly involved in the fun. As a credentialed teacher, I can tie any message needed to the magic and still make it fun. It's important to me that the kids... > View Profile