lists elementary, middle and high school shows, programs, workshops and assemblies.

This site is free for schools to use and free for workshop providers to advertise.

You can search by category, location and age above.

To send your inquiry to your chosen provider, please complete the contact form on the specific workshop page. You need to complete a form per provider.

If they can meet your requirements they will be in touch. If they can’t help this time, the inquiry is sent to other providers in the same category in case they can assist you.


    Art & Craft: Graphic Creations

    Students hone their visual communication and storytelling skills through hand-drawing their own original graphic tale with the guidance of award-win-ning artist Raul Gonzalez. An inspiring teacher, Raul has taught at both the Museum of Fine Arts and the Institute for... > View Profile

    Music: Rhythm Adventures

    Rhythm Adventures is a rhythm based school assembly designed for grades K-6. All students are provided with various percussion instruments and are guided on a 45 minute musical adventure in rhythm that helps to develop musical concepts, creative thinking, coordination, social... > View Profile

    Animal: Traveling Exotic Critters & Reptile Presentations

    Furry Scaly Friends educates and entertains. We come to your home, party space or facility. We can accommodate any group size and serve all of Connecticut! Let us share our animal love! Our hands-on approach is loved by children and adults. We are family run and all our furry... > View Profile

    Fun Day: Lasermania Show!

    Forty minutes long. $999 for one performance. $299 for each additional same-day performance. When it's time to reward your students for working so hard, LASERMANIA is the ticket. An exciting reward assembly during the day or a rockin' family fun event in the... > View Profile

    Earth Day, Eco & Environment: Rick Adam Eco

    ShadowTales Discover the timeless magic of hand shadows. Using hands and simple cutouts this program illustrates familiar stories, tales and fables with shadow. Audiences will learn, firsthand how to cast shadows on a wall and create worlds where anything is possible. For... > View Profile

    Anti Bullying & Life Skills: Extremely Fun & Extremely Educational Anti-Bullying BMX Stunt Show with X Games Gold Medalist, K-Rob!

    World Record holder and 10 time X Games Medalist, Kevin Robinson (K-Rob) has an extraordinary gift of inspiring and empowering people to change the course of their lives in a positive way! Audiences young and old are riveted to Kevin's words of wisdom and... > View Profile

    Literacy: Literacy for Schools in MA & RI

    Mark Binder’s writing workshops are amazing. In the space of a single class, he teaches a simple theory of story structure, an easy method of improvisational creativity, and gets students writing. > View Profile

    Anti Bullying & Life Skills: Finding your why---the discovery of you

    Our program will highlight the need for positivity in a world so in need of a healthy self esteem for every individual. Issues like Substance abuse, Bullying and Racial Bias so often have their roots in the negative image that individuals have of themselves. A program like the... > View Profile

    Entertainment: All about Australia video conference

    G'day, why not find out about Australia from an Australian!  Using video conferencing technology we can speak live to your students from Sydney! In this curriculum-linked workshops we'll look at; - Australia's convict history through to Federation and up... > View Profile

    Literacy: Reading Rocks Magic Show

    Joe Holiday's Reading Rocks Magic Show is the perfect literacy assembly program with a unique blend of stage magic, comedy, hit music and audience participation. The show is kid tested, teacher approved, filled with state of the art magic effects and scripted material. A... > View Profile

    Music: Lasermania Show!

    Forty minutes long. $999 for one performance. $299 for each additional same-day performance. When it's time to reward your students for working so hard, LASERMANIA is the ticket. An exciting reward assembly during the day or a rockin' family fun event in the... > View Profile

    Magic: Scott's Magic School Show

    The adventure begins the moment the Scott enters the room. Your guests, not knowing what to expect, are anxious with anticipation and gather as a symphony of sound and color announces the show. Nothing spurs guest's wonder more than an illusion drawn from thin air. Doves... > View Profile

    Entertainment: Joe “the trick-star

    My name is Joe “the trick-star” Odhiambo, and I am looking to join a motivation speaking team like your if you have an opening. I know it is late right now; however, I would love to talk to you and see if I can feel some of your engagements around the... > View Profile

    Animal: Upland Hills Farm School Assembly Program

    Two Farmers and the animals will visit your school.  Elementary students will learn about where our food and fiber originate - how to milk a cow, make butter, shear a sheep and spin wool into yarn.  Preschool programs will include hands-on milking of the cow and petting of the... > View Profile